Risk Management Magazine

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Play it SAFE
As Soldiers in Aviation, we are tasked to operate many pieces of equipment. We are taught how to assess risk and mitigate it. However, dozens of Soldiers are killed every year operating a common piece of equipment — their private motor vehicle. 
Traveling Time Bomb
As Soldiers, we frequently hear about the dangers of drinking and driving. While I definitely agree drinking and driving is bad, I believe there is a more common activity that not only rivals it, but possibly surpasses it in danger — fatigued driving. 
  • 1 July 2014
  • Comments: 0
Breaking the Chain
It was an average summer day in August 2008. I was halfway through my shift when the State Patrol Communications Center sent notice of a head-on collision involving injuries on a heavily traveled highway in northeastern Washington state.
  • 1 July 2014
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Both Sides
How many times have you darted across a street where there was no crosswalk? Did you look both ways first? Do you know if vehicle drivers saw you? As a pedestrian, you can’t assume every driver knows your intentions. That’s a lesson I learned at young age.
  • 1 June 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 15335
  • Comments: 0
Too busy to drive?

Distracted driving isn’t a man or woman thing. How many times have you watched someone — regardless of gender — eat, shave, do their hair, read, text, talk or play with a cellphone or otherwise find things to occupy their time behind the wheel?

  • 15 May 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10478
  • Comments: 0
Preventing 3D: a focus for the holidays

The U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center is promoting awareness of the problem of drunk and drugged driving — known as 3D — as part of an ongoing effort to reach out to Soldiers, Army civilians and family members on the topic of off-duty safety.

  • 12 May 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 5910
  • Comments: 0