Training/Unit Safety

Training/Unit Safety

The Army Traffic Safety Training Program is required training for all Army personnel. The training is established to reinforce a positive attitude toward driving, individual responsibility, and correct response to routine and emergency driving situations.


PMV Driver Training

  • AARP 55 ALIVE Driver Safety Program: 1-888-227-7669
  • AAA Safe Driving for Mature Operators Program: Call your local AAA club to find a class near you.
  • National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course: 1-800-621-7619
  • Driving School Association of the Americas, Inc.: 1-800-270-3722

Remedial Driver Training

Remedial Driver Training (RDT) is an eight-hour, instructor led, classroom taught course designed to address the root causes of aggressive driving.
  • RDT uses the small group interactive training concept and is behavioral based.
  • The training combines instruction, skits, games, videos, student-instructor interaction and student to student interaction to help drivers acknowledge their negative driving habits and attitudes.
  • The goal is to give students a toolkit to change their behavior and decision-making processes behind the wheel.
  • RDT provides driver improvement and remedial training for military or civilian personnel convicted of a moving traffic violation or determined to be at fault for a traffic mishap while operating a government motor vehicle.
  • In addition, commanders may refer “high-risk” Soldiers to attend the course. Examples of high risk activities may include:
    • The accumulation of five or more traffic points over a 12-month period (AR 190–5)
    • Warning traffic citation(s) for moving and nonmoving infraction(s)
    • Letter(s) of counseling or reprimand for driving
    • Confirmed witness statements of driving infraction(s)
  • RDT is currently provided as part of the Army Traffic Safety Training Program (ATSTP) via contractor.
  • State-approved driver improvement programs may be used to fulfill the requirement where an Army standardized course is not provided.
  • Unit leaders seeking to obtain RDT training for their Soldiers should contact their garrison safety office or sign up using AIRS at the following link: https://airs.safety.army.mil