Physical Readiness Training

Proper physical conditioning is key in Soldiers effectively performing their duties.  Not only does it improve strength, stamina, agility, and coordination, it also enhances morale and instills self-confidence.

Unsurprisingly, the physical readiness training/sports category is currently the largest producer of non-fatal injuries with most occurring on duty (~66%).  Respectively, running/ jogging, basketball and football injuries top the list.  Ankles, knees, and shoulders are the most common areas affected.

Injury prevention/mitigation depends on the quality of its leadership. Commanders should use the composite risk management process for all PRT activities to ensure they do not place their Soldiers at undue risk for injury.  The commander should address:

  • Environmental conditions
  • Emergency procedures
  • Facilities
  • Differences in age
  • Gender
  • Level of conditioning of each Soldier in the unit

Commanders should also only allow the best-qualified noncommissioned officers to lead PRT.  NCOs and leaders must employ the training principles of precision, progression, and integration to mitigate the risk of injury.

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