Safety Brief Tools

Safety Brief Tools

Safety Shorts

One-slide briefings with quick video clips and safety tips for individual topics. Accessible via a smartphone or tablet with no CAC required.

Risk Management Briefings

These 3-5 minute briefings examine Army mishaps to generate discussion and incorporate risk management into activities.

Off-Duty Safety Awareness Presentation (ODSAP)

The ODSAP contains information and embedded videos covering off-duty topics. The presentation can be downloaded as a whole or as individual topics.

Command and Staff Slide Examples

These can be used to incorporate ideas of what to track at the command level referencing risk management.

Small Unit Leader Cards

Printable cards designed to facilitate risk management discussion between Leaders and Soldiers.

Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

PLRs provide a synopsis of Army mishap fatalities and tips to prevent similar mishaps.

Ground/Driving and Aviation Base Briefs

Contains the most current USACRC command briefings. It includes the Aviation Safety Briefing and Ground Safety Briefing with on and off-duty scenarios. CAC login required.

Lessons Learned

Printable summaries that highlight lessons from recent Army mishaps and provides recommendations to prevent similar mishaps. CAC login required.