USACRC Professional Certificate Program

The USACRC Professional Certificate Program (PCP) is consistent with the mission of the USACRC as the Army Force Modernization Proponent for Army Safety. The intended outcome of each certificate is to meet competency and training requirements of the given occupational series or job functions (stakeholders) for which the certificate is intended. The PCP consists of the following eight certificates:

  • Professional Certificate in Safety and Occupational Health (PCSOH) (See PCPSOP Annex A)
    Effective , the PCSOH is available only to Army Soldiers and 0017, 0018, 0019, 0081, 0690, 1306, and 0803 Army Civilians.
  • Professional Certificate in Explosives Safety - Level I (PCES1) (See PCPSOP Annex B)
  • Professional Certificate in Explosives Safety - Level II (PCES2) (See PCPSOP Annex C)
  • Professional Certificate in Army Emergency Management - Level I (PCEM1) (See PCPSOP Annex D)
  • Professional Certificate in Army Emergency Management - Level II (PCEM2) (See PCPSOP Annex E)
  • Aviation Safety Officer Course (ASOC) (See PCPSOP Annex F)
  • Ground Safety Officer Course (GSOC) (See PCPSOP Annex F)
  • Professional Certificate in Industrial Safety (PCIS) See Annex I

Questions or Application Assistance

Please coordinate all PCP related questions or application assistance with your supervisory chain of command and/or the Command Certificate Program Manager at your Service or Army Command (ACOM, ASCC, or DRU).

PCP Standard Operating Procedures

Professional Certificate Program Certificate Recipient Directory

DISCLAIMER: The USACRC Professional Certificate Program Management (PCPM) provides rosters of certificate recipients for informational purposes only - the directory is not intended for advice or instruction. The information contained in the directory rosters is accurate to our knowledge. Notice of any errors, whether typographical or otherwise, should be communicated promptly to the PCPM.

Year in Review

  • was a record year for certificate issuance. We issued 179 Professional Certificates in Safety and Occupational Health (PCSOH), 119 Professional Certificates in Explosives Safety Level - I (PCEM1), 59 Professional Certificates in Explosives Safety Level – II, 75 Professional Certificates in Emergency Management Level – I (PCEM1), and 6 Professional Certificates in Emergency Management Level – II (PCEM2). Congratulations to all recipients!
  • The Professional Certificate Program Standard Operating Procedure (PCPSOP) was updated consolidating all certificates into one SOP. This will build in efficiencies for the program management team and Army Safety community.
  • All certificate application forms and application instructions were updated for ease of use.

Hot Topics

  • The Professional Certificate in Industrial Safety is a new addition to the USACRC Professional Certificate Program (PCP).
  • We are pleased to release a newly revised PCSOH Equivalency Matrix developed in collaboration with subject matter experts in the field. See PCPSOP Annex A2
  • Improvements to the document include training options and costs, the removal of several courses that are either no longer available or do not meet the contact hours requirements, and the addition of several courses that are equivalents.
  • Courses only appearing on the old version of the Equivalency Matrix that have a completion date prior to will be accepted up through the 1st panel of FY 25. Thereafter, all training must comply with the or later version.
  • Effective , the PCSOH will be available only to Army Soldiers and 0017, 0018, 0019, 0081, 0690, 1306, and 0803 Army Civilians.
  • If you received the PCSOH, PCES1, PCES2, PCEM1 or PCEM2 in 2024, we would appreciate your feedback using this survey link: https://survey.tradoc.army.mil. It takes less than five minutes and will enable us to better serve the Army safety community.