Online Training

The United States Army Combat Readiness Center now hosts its Distance Learning (DL) courses on the ATIS-Learning site. This provides Soldiers, Army civilians, safety professionals and joint forces greater access to our training resources. The procedures for locating, registering for and completing your training are listed below. Identify the course you need to complete and follow the directions to the right with the appropriate LAUNCH link.


ATRRS Courses available on ATIS-Learning:

  • Risk Management Basic
  • Leaders Safety and Occupational Health Course (LSC)
  • Unit Safety Officer Course

Follow these instructions to register for an ATRRS course:

  1. From the ATRRS home page https://www.atrrs.army.mil, scroll down and click "COURSE CATALOG" in the ATRRS Quick Links section.
  2. Enter course number or the complete course title in appropriate search blocks:
    • 2G-F97_DL - Risk Management Basic
    • 2G-F107_DL - Leaders Safety and Occupational Health Course
    • 2G-F95_DL - Unit Safety Officer Course
  3. Click search
  4. Click "Register"
  5. Click on the CAC selector, then LOGIN.
  6. Click on "Submit Application".

NOTE:You need a CAC to register for all ATRRS courses. You “must be on a secure computer system”, on a military/federal installation or on a Government computer with VPN.

After ATRRS notifies you that you are registered, login to the ATIS-Learning at https://learn.atis.army.mil. In the "Active Learning" column, click on the course title. Finally, click on the title again that has "Web Based Training."

Need Help?

Contact us by email usarmy.novosel.hqda-secarmy.mbx.safe-dlcoordinator@army.mil or phone (334) 255-2840 or (334) 255-0631.

ATIS-Learning Management System

Courses available on the ATIS-Learning:

  • Risk Management Operational
  • Employee Safety Course: Rights and Responsibilities
  • Army Contract Safety Course

Follow these instructions to register and complete a course:

  1. Login with your CAC or your AKO credentials on the ATIS-Learning site.
  2. Select "Catalog" in the menu at the top of the page.
  3. Type in the course title or description in the “Search” box and click search.
  4. Find your course title and then click "Register", followed by clicking "Register" from the drop down menu.

Follow the ATIS-Learning instructions to launch the course.

Launch ATIS-Learning

Need Help?

Contact us by email usarmy.novosel.hqda-secarmy.mbx.safe-helpdesk@army.mil or phone (334) 255-2840 or (334) 255-0631.