Aviation Safety Officer Course (ASOC)

The Aviation Safety Officer Course (ASOC) produces the skills necessary to manage an aviation safety program at company and battalion levels. Offered as a six-week resident course, the ASOC is designed to train an individual on "how to" administer an Aviation Safety Program.

How to apply

Submit a DA Form 4187 through your unit. Course is listed in Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) School Catalog (SC): 012, course # 7K-F12; Please note that you must be projected on assignment into an ASO position or currently serving in an ASO position to attend the course. Course quotas are set by Department of the Army strength requirements and filled by HRC, NGB, USARC, and SATFA (for IMS).

US Army Combat Readiness Center offers ANSI accredited professional certificates in the following areas:

  • Aviation Safety Officer Course (ASOC) Professional Certificate
  • Ground Safety Officer Course (GSOC) Professional Certificate

Achievement of the certificate is based on the successful completion of defined training requirements.


Fort Novosel Course: Arrive to Fort Novosel on the class report date designated in ATRRS. Report to the North doors of Building 4905 at in the physical fitness uniform (shorts and t-shirt) for height and weight screening ( for foreign officers and DACs) on the class start date designated in ATRRS. The Fort Novosel lodging office number is (334) 598-5216 to confirm lodging. IHG Army Hotels is located in Building 308, 6th Ave Fort Novosel, AL 36362.

Travel Orders: The Aviation Safety Officer Course must comply with the Fort Rucker Institutional Training Travel Guidance. Lodging and Meals are directed IAW the Institutional Training Directed Lodging and Meals-5 (ITDLM-5) Program. Students attending ASOC should refer to the course welcome letter for details.

PCS Enroute: If you are attending the course enroute to a new duty station ensure you reach out to the Course Manager well in advance of your PCS date to ensure all your prerequisites which require action by your unit are completed in time. It is your responsibility to arrive prepared with all prerequisites complete. You should also be reachable during your PCS in the event that the documents you turn in do not meet the requirements and need correction.

Course Completion Requirements: The ASO course is an MOS-producing course awarding the Warrant Officer Special Qualification Identifier (SQI) Code "B", Aviation Safety Officer, to graduates; therefore, students must pass all examinations and attend all training. Do not plan on scheduling routine appointments during the course. Students who miss more than 8 hours of the course will not graduate.

Prerequisites: Attendance prerequisites can be found in DA PAM 611-21. A welcome letter will be sent to the email entered with the ATRRS registration approximately 30 days out from the course start date. It will have instructions for completing the prerequisites and pre-course forms and uploading them to Blackboard.

  • All officers (foreign officers exempt) holding an aeronautical designator must present documentation that they have a minimum of 50 hours pilot-in-command time. Contact the Course Manager to request a PC Waiver example if needed.
  • Unit Safety Officer Course - Go to the Training Courses > Online Training page for instructions on registering.
  • Introduction to Ammunition (AMMO-45) (Course Number 9E-F67/920-F35) – Register in ATRRS and access the course in ALMS.
  • The following documents are required in order to issue students a computer and allow access to USACRC network drives for coursework. Any student who does not provide the required documentation in the timeline provided in the welcome letter will not be allowed to attend the course.
  • Additional Forms/Documents

Additionally, during the course, you will be introduced to several internet based safety management tools. Arrive to the course having registered for the following:

FY 25
Class # Report Date: Start Date: End Date:
25-001 2024-10-06 2024-10-07 2024-11-19
25-002 2025-01-05 2025-01-06 2025-02-14
25-003 2025-02-17 2025-02-18 2025-03-28
25-004 2025-04-02 2025-04-03 2025-05-13
25-005 2025-05-19 2025-05-20 2025-07-02
25-006 2025-07-07 2025-07-08 2025-08-15
25-007 2025-08-18 2025-08-19 2025-09-30

Aviation Safety Officer Course Information

Aviation Safety Training Staff