ASMIS Staff Assistance Visit Form

Request an ASMIS Staff Assistance Visit

Staff assistance visits offer personally-tailored assistance with ASMIS 2.0, typically to groups of less than 20 attendees. These visits are intended to supplement basic ASMIS training and are modeled as workshops for attendees to collaborate, set up, and manage the ASMIS 2.0 programs. Subject matter experts from USACRC drill into each unit and member profile, assist with set up, and troubleshoot issues with ASMIS 2.0.

SAV personnel consist of 3-4 SMEs and administrators, and visits normally span 3-5 eight-hour days, depending on the size of the audience; larger audiences of 20+ require more time.

ASMIS SAVs are typically funded by the USACRC.

Host requirements:

  1. Minimum attendance – 10 personnel, no greater than class of 20.
  2. All personnel are safety officers at Battalion and higher organizations, state safety officers (ARNG), or installation safety office staff.
  3. All personnel will bring computer with CAC access to internet (GFE recommended).
  4. All personnel attend ASMIS training prior to attending.
  5. All personnel have an established account (role) within ASMIS as a safety officer (or command representative).
  6. All personnel have practical experience in using ASMIS to report mishaps, conduct inspections and manage hazards.
  7. Adequate facility for presenting material in a workshop configuration.
  8. IT support for presentations and internet capability.

  • Please provide the following preliminary information to request a SAV from the USACRC:

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