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    Navigating Heat Illnesses 0 Military Ops & Training
    USACRC Editor

    Navigating Heat Illnesses

    Foot marches and land navigation training involve a great deal of walking while wearing a rucksack and other required equipment. These types of physical activities induce significant sweating and fatigue, which can lead to heat illnesses....
    Your Input Matters: Data Quality in ASMIS 2.0 0 Workplace
    USACRC Editor

    Your Input Matters: Data Quality in ASMIS 2.0

    Data quality is a critical component in the effective use of the Army Safety Management Information System (ASMIS) 2.0. High-quality data ensures ASMIS 2.0 can fulfill its purpose of improving safety protocols, reducing mishaps and enhancing...
    Slip and Slide 0 PMV-4
    USACRC Editor

    Slip and Slide

    For service members, the first few weeks of reintegration after a long combat tour are crucial. We have to discard basic actions of doing even the smallest tasks that kept us safe during a time of danger. Surviving such harsh conditions also may...
    Heading Off the Rails 0 Military Ops & Training
    USACRC Editor

    Heading Off the Rails

    There I was, fresh out of Advanced Individual Training. I had just reported to my unit three weeks prior and now found myself sitting in the driver’s seat of a Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) parked on a railcar. A few...

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    Don't Let Your Awareness Slip

    Don't Let Your Awareness Slip

    U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research,
    Development and Engineering Center
    Natick, Massachusetts

    All too often we hear about off-duty mishaps involving military personnel performing unsafe acts. How can these Soldiers spend months in theater or training without an accident only to be injured or killed within days of returning home? Some believe it is due to a loss of situational awareness that results from the relief a Soldier feels when beginning a period of leave. The following is a true story of a Soldier who completed his tour of duty only days before he was involved in an off-duty firearms mishap. The Soldier’s name is changed to protect his privacy.

    Ben Harrell had served four years in the Army and just returned from his first deployment when he was given extended leave. He spent the first three days with close family and, most importantly, his new daughter, who was born during his deployment. On his fourth day home, Ben’s friend, Mike, asked him to join him for target practice. Mike was relatively new to shooting and hoped Ben would share some of his experience and skills with him. Ben gladly agreed and the two met on Mike’s land, where he had a large hay field.

    Mike and Ben set up targets at various distances and competed to see who could make the best shot. After a couple of hours, Mike had grown tired of Ben beating him. When Mike noticed a squirrel about 80 yards downrange, he challenged Ben to a contest: Whoever hit the squirrel won free beer. Mike took the first shot and missed. Ben then took his shot, stopping the squirrel in its tracks. Unconvinced Ben had struck the squirrel, Mike suggested they confirm the kill. Ben agreed and the two walked downrange to view the animal.

    Upon reaching the squirrel, they noticed it was wounded by Ben’s shot but still alive. Without warning, Mike pointed his rifle at the squirrel and pulled the trigger. Ben’s next memory is lying on the ground facing the sky with Mike’s shirt pressed to his forehead. Unbeknownst to the two men, a rock was just under the surface of the ground beneath the squirrel. When the round from Mike’s rifle struck the rock, a piece of shrapnel ricocheted into Ben’s forehead.

    Ben was lucky. The doctors decided the bullet fragment wasn’t a danger and the piece remains embedded in his forehead today. But not all Soldiers are as fortunate. In recent years, there has been an increase in off-duty mishaps — many of which result in fatalities. While private motor vehicle and motorcycle accidents account for the greatest number of casualties, the Army loses about three Soldiers a year to privately owned weapons mishaps.

    Ben may have followed many of the proper procedures he learned, but he let his situational awareness slip once he returned home. He never should have allowed Mike to leave his rifle loaded when they went downrange to inspect the squirrel. He could have also insisted they leave the weapons in the truck before heading downrange. We must always remember that even though we may not be on duty or in theater, danger is always present. It only takes one mistake to cause a catastrophe.



    Soldiers must remember to THINK every time they’re handling a privately owned weapon:

    • Treat every weapon as if it’s loaded.
    • Handle every weapon with care.
    • Identify the target before you fire.
    • Never point the muzzle at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
    • Keep the weapon on safe and your finger off the trigger until you intend to fire.

    The U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center website contains numerous resources to address privately owned weapons safety. Check them out at:


    • 29 September 2024
    • Author: USACRC Editor
    • Number of views: 397
    • Comments: 0