Leaders and managers are responsible for integrating risk management into all Army processes and operations. Risk management is the Army’s process for helping organizations and individuals make informed decisions to reduce or offset risk. Using this process increases operational effectiveness and the probability of mission accomplishment. It is a systematic way of identifying hazards, assessing them, and managing the associated risks.
While safety-related, risk management is not contained solely within the protection warfighting function. Commanders, staffs, Army leaders, Soldiers, and Army civilians integrate RM into all planning, preparing, executing, and assessing of operations. The process applies to all types of operations, tasks, and activities.
Commanders ensure first-line supervisors apply the process, where it has the greatest impact. Individuals should also use the process for off-duty activities.
Risk Management Training
The following risk management distance learning courses are available for Army Soldiers and Civilians:
Leader’s Safety and Occupational Health Course (LSC). The LSC provides commanders and leaders the tools to manage a unit Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) program and to incorporate Risk Management (RM) into all unit planning and activities.
Risk Management Basic Course. This course will teach you how to apply risk management to all situations and environments across a wide range of operations, activities, and processes. Risk management is useful in developing, fielding, and employing the total force.
Risk Management Basic Course for Army Civilians. This course was developed to emphasize RM as it relates to the Army's civilian employees.
Risk Management Operational Course. This course ties risk management to the Military Decision Making Process and educates operational leaders on RM tools and resources for application to battalion and brigade risk decisions.
Risk Management Branch Modules. These online training modules tie RM to branch missions and systems. They are currently available for Ordnance Branch RM Course, Signal Branch RM Course, and Chemical Branch RM Course, Aviation Branch RM Course, Infantry/Armor Branch RM Course, and Transportation Branch RM Course.
Proceed to the distributed learning courses
Joint Risk Assessment Tool (JRAT)
JRAT is an interactive, easy to use, automated system designed to assist users with the application of risk management IAW JP 3-0, Joint Operations, and Service specific risk management publications.
JRAT is a joint-Service tool that contains portals for the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard. Each portal provides users with overall Service-specific mishap statistics in addition to mishap vignettes, mishap summaries, and guidance and resources related to a given mission type. This content is user focused to provide relevant information for the production of an automated Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet.
Risk Management Training Integration
Mr. Robert J. Novak
950 Jefferson Avenue
Fort Eustis VA 23604-5754
Comm: (757) 501-5456
DSN: 501-5456