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    Passenger Problems 0 PMV-2
    USACRC Editor

    Passenger Problems

    I was raised in the country, where the lack of immediate entertainment left most of us kids looking for hobbies. Mine was motorcycles. I started riding at the young age of 5, and by the time I was 8, I’d worked myself up to the Honda XR75.
    Striking the Balance: Navigating Risk 0 Aviation
    USACRC Editor

    Striking the Balance: Navigating Risk

    In the domain of Army Aviation, where precision, adaptability and safety intertwine, a trifecta of principles — conservative response, mature decision-making and effective risk management — guides pilots and aviation professionals...
    Out of Control 0 Military Ops & Training
    USACRC Editor

    Out of Control

    Many of the articles in Risk Management magazine tell a story about a less-than-smart decision a co-worker, leader or subordinate made at some point in the author’s career. In this story, however, I am the happy idiot who made the mistake...
    A Muddy Maneuver 0 Military Ops & Training
    USACRC Editor

    A Muddy Maneuver

    As we approached a hill, the convoy began to slow. Several of the other vehicles had difficulty getting up the slick roadway, but the entire convoy eventually made it to the top. We then started down the 5-percent-grade decline, which...

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    Water Smarts

    Water Smarts

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
    Fort Worth, Texas

    I was finishing a long day of lake patrol when I heard a voice over the radio say, “There has been a report of a potential drowning.” Immediately, my body went numb. All I could think was, “Please don’t let it be true.” At the time, I’d spent four years as a park ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and, unfortunately, seen the same scenario repeatedly — lives lost from both carelessness around the water and lack of education concerning water safety.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional deaths in the United States. It’s estimated that 10 people die each day as a result of drowning. Sadly, a large portion of those victims are would-be rescuers. Before attempting to rescue someone, always keep in mind Reach, Throw, Row and Don’t Go.

    • Reach. If someone near you is drowning, first try reaching out to him or her with something near you such as a pool toy, branch, fishing pole or anything sturdy. Remember not to lean too far over and keep your feet firmly planted where you are standing to prevent yourself from falling in and also becoming a victim.
    • Throw. If the person is too far out to reach, throw something to them. Make sure you throw something that floats (e.g., an ice chest, life preserver, throw cushion, ring buoy, etc.). If possible, it is best to tie the object to something secure to pull in the victim.
    • Row. If reaching and throwing are not feasible and you have access to a boat, you can row to the victim.
    • Don’t Go. Unless you are a trained professional in water rescue (e.g., a trained lifeguard), never go in after a victim. A drowning person will try to climb on top of the rescuer, forcing them underwater in an effort to stabilize themselves and get air.

    There are a few rules everyone should remember when swimming or boating. First, never swim alone. We aren’t invincible, and you never know what will happen. Nobody plans to drown, and it only takes seconds. A drowning person doesn’t make a lot of noise. Try gasping for air and screaming and you’ll see it doesn’t work very well.

    Second, know your limits. It only takes enough water to cover a person’s nose and mouth for them to drown. Many times, we try to be cool and exceed our capabilities. I have seen too many bodies pulled from the water as a direct result of pushing limits and taking unnecessary risks.

    The most important thing any of us can remember is to wear a personal flotation device (PFD). I have never seen a drowning victim that was wearing a PFD. There are many types of PFDs available for water-based activities. Choosing not to wear one should never be an option. The difference between choosing to use a PFD and going without could be your life. Nobody is waterproof, so always wear your PFD!

    Following simple rules and using good judgment around water will save your life and possibly the lives of others. Don’t end up drying out in the morgue.


    • 7 July 2024
    • Author: USACRC Editor
    • Number of views: 138
    • Comments: 0