Military Ops & Training
There I was, fresh out of Advanced Individual Training. I had just reported to my unit three weeks prior and now found myself sitting in the driver’s seat of a Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) parked on a railcar. A few...
I knew I couldn’t stop in time, so I instinctively grabbed a handful of front brake and started looking for maneuver options, but they were limited. There was no road shoulder — only a pineapple field to my right. Riding into it would...
I was an extremely new Readiness Level 1 (RL-1) pilot at Camp Humphreys, Korea, flying with a 15-plus-year maintenance test pilot/pilot in command (PC) who was known for being either great as a trainer or for creating the most hostile cockpit you...
My co-pilot announced the right yaw was uncommanded and his master caution light was illuminated. I also announced that I had a master caution light and asked if he could maintain control of the aircraft. He answered, “Yes,” and I...
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