Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

About Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

PLRs are intended to be used as an engagement tool for leaders to discuss the hazards and trends impacting Soldier safety and readiness. A PLR contains only basic information, as the investigation is ongoing, but provides sufficient background to allow leaders an opportunity to communicate risk at the Soldier level.


PLR 23-071 – Off-Duty Sports, Recreation and Physical Training Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 19-year-old Private First Class assigned to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, died in an off-duty water-related mishap 7 July 2023 in Neptune City, New Jersey, at 1800 local. While on leave, the Soldier was swimming 30 meters offshore with four friends when he suddenly submerged without notice. Local police were contacted and retrieved the Soldier after being underwater for 20 minutes. The police started CPR, established a heartbeat and transported him to the local hospital, where he was placed on a ventilator. The Soldier was removed from life support and died 11 July 2023. Alcohol and drug use is currently unknown.

Since 2018, the Army has lost an average of seven Soldiers a year to off-duty water-related mishaps. This mishap was the third off-duty water-related fatality of FY23.

Safety tip

Swimming in lakes, rivers and oceans
Swimming in open water (lakes, rivers, ponds and the ocean) is harder than in a pool. People tire faster and get into trouble more quickly. A person can go underwater in a murky lake, making them very hard to find or be swept away in currents.
  • Swim in a lifeguarded area, especially if you are not a strong swimmer.

  • Be cautious of sudden drop-offs in lakes and rivers. People who can't swim or aren't strong swimmers have slipped into deeper water and drowned.

  • Stay sober when on or in the water. Alcohol and other drugs increase the effects of weather, temperature and wave action.

  • The Off-Duty Safety Awareness Presentation includes a section dedicated to water-related activities which contains statistics, contributing factors, prevention tips and other relevant information. You can download the full presentation or the Water-Related Activities breakout from the In the Spotlight Series at: https://safety.army.mil/OFF-DUTY/Home-and-Family/Off-Duty-Safety-Awareness-Presentation-2023.



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