PLR 25-010 - Privately Owned Weapons Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life
A 24-year-old Staff Sergeant assigned to Fort Carson, Colorado, died in a privately owned weapons (POW) mishap 11 November 2024 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, at 0050 local. The Soldier was attempting to demonstrate the effectiveness of his weapon’s safety feature when it unintentionally discharged. Colorado Springs Emergency Services responded to the incident. During transport to the hospital, the Soldier was pronounced dead. Local authorities are investigating the incident.
Since FY20, the Army has lost an average of two Soldiers a year to POW mishaps. This mishap was the first POW fatality of FY25 and below the number of POW fatalities for the same time last year.
Safety tip
Never assume that proficiency with your assigned military weapon makes you an expert on all weapons. If you are handling a new weapon, read the owner’s manual carefully and take a class to get the proper training.
Never consume alcohol prior to or while handling weapons.
Take action if you see someone handling a weapon in any unsafe manner, especially while under the influence of alcohol.
THINK weapons safety:
- Treat every weapon as if it is loaded.
- Handle every weapon with care.
- Identify the target before you fire.
- Never point the muzzle at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
- Keep the weapon on safe and your finger off the trigger until you intend to fire.
For more information on privately owned weapons safety, check out: