Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

About Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

PLRs are intended to be used as an engagement tool for leaders to discuss the hazards and trends impacting Soldier safety and readiness. A PLR contains only basic information, as the investigation is ongoing, but provides sufficient background to allow leaders an opportunity to communicate risk at the Soldier level.


PLR 23-003 – PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A 23-year-old Specialist assigned to Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, died in a PMV-2 mishap 15 October 2022 near the installation at 2150 local. The Soldier notified his spouse he was on his way home from attending a motorcycle meeting at the Navy Exchange. At approximately 0815 on 16 October, his spouse notified the chain of command that he never arrived home. The Honolulu Police Department (HPD), Schofield Barracks Provost Marshal’s Office, Tripler Army Medical Center, and local emergency rooms were contacted. The Soldier was found dead at the scene later that day. He had completed the Basic RiderCourse 1, but did not have a motorcycle endorsement on his California driver’s license. Initial reports indicate speed is suspected as a contributing factor. The Soldier was wearing a helmet, but the use of other personal protective equipment is unknown. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for HPD to release its final report.

Since 2018, the Army has lost an average of 24 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the first PMV-2 fatality of FY23.

Never ride without a motorcycle license

In the U.S., you are required to have a motorcycle license or endorsement in addition to a driver's license to legally ride a motorcycle. Regulations vary by state, with some also requiring riders to pass a state-sponsored education course.

Taking a Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) riding course can increase your skill as a motorcyclist and better prepare you to make emergency maneuvers when necessary. In some cases, passing an MSF course can lower your insurance costs and streamline the application process for a motorcycle license.

Always wear an adequate helmet

-Wearing a helmet significantly reduces your risk of serious head injury and death in the event of an accident. In some states, wearing a helmet is mandatory for some or all riders. You should wear a helmet every time you ride a motorcycle, even for short journeys.
-When buying a new helmet, make sure it meets the safety standards approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Approved helmets will display the DOT symbol (either painted or as a sticker), usually on the outside back of the helmet. Some helmets may also be certified by non-profit safety organizations, like ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and the Snell Memorial Foundation, but these certifications are optional. Check the label inside to see if the helmet is certified by one or more organization.
-Your helmet should have a thick polystyrene-foam inner liner, weigh about three pounds, and have a sturdy chin strap to hold the helmet on your head. Ideally, it should also have a face shield to protect your eyes, but you may choose to wear goggles instead.
-Replace your helmet about once every five years, unless it shows visible signs of damage (like a crack), in which case you should replace it immediately.

Check your bike before you ride

-Before every ride, do a quick check to make sure your bike is fit for the road. This includes checking that the tires are properly inflated and not worn down, and that everything is in working order, particularly the brakes. If you spot signs of a fluid or oil leak beneath the bike, or other signs of damage or overuse, don't risk riding it.
-Adjust your bike's suspension and tires every time you intend to carry a passenger or a load that's heavier than normal.

Sit down and hold tight
-Sit in the center of the seat, keeping both hands on the handlebars, except when signaling. If you have a passenger who is inexperienced in riding a motorcycle, explain safety measures to them before they ride.

Obey traffic laws and be aware of other vehicles

-In most collisions involving a motorcycle and another vehicle, the rider is not at fault. While you can't always account for what other drivers will do, you can reduce your risk of having an accident by obeying traffic laws, sticking to the speed limit, and not taking any unnecessary risks.
-In general, assume that drivers can't see you, and act accordingly. Pay close attention to the vehicles around you, especially if you notice that a driver isn't paying attention. Leave plenty of room (at least one car-length) between you and the vehicle in front, giving you time to react if the driver brakes suddenly. Be on the lookout for other vehicles that may change lanes and veer into your path, and always signal and look behind you before changing lanes yourself.
-When riding in heavy traffic, many motorcyclists prefer to ride in the far-left lane, leaving themselves one unobstructed side. The important thing is to leave yourself enough room to maneuver if something does go wrong. Remember, if a car hits you, you are more likely to be injured than the driver, so it pays to err on the side of caution.
-Splitting lanes (moving between vehicles in the space between lanes) is illegal in most states. Some studies suggest that lane-splitting in heavy traffic can reduce a rider's risk of being struck by another vehicle, particularly from behind when traffic is congested. Only split lanes if it is legal and be aware that this maneuver can sometimes aggravate drivers.

Watch for damaged roads and obstacles

-Motorcyclists need to be especially vigilant about road obstacles (like fallen branches and oil spills) and uneven surfaces (including potholes). A motorcycle has less contact with the road than a car, making it more likely to skid out of control. There is also a possibility that you could be thrown over the handlebars.
-If you can't avoid an obstacle in your path, try to slow down before riding over it. You should rise slightly off the seat to absorb the shock, gripping the handlebars tightly.

If you can, get a bike with an anti-lock brake system

-An anti-lock or anti-skid braking system (ABS) prevents the wheels of your motorcycle from locking when you brake hard, reducing your risk of skidding out of control. You are 37% less likely to be involved in a fatal crash if your motorcycle is equipped with ABS brakes.

Never ride under the influence or otherwise impaired

-You should never ride a motorcycle when your judgment, reaction time, alertness, balance, and other necessary riding skills are impaired. This includes riding when intoxicated or after taking drugs, including some medications. Drowsiness can also impair your ability to ride, so take a break when tired.

Adjust for inclement weather conditions

-Rain, snow, high winds, and other inclement weather conditions can make riding more dangerous. Adjust how you ride accordingly. On wet roads, for example, you should avoid making sudden turns since your margin for error is reduced and you may skid. If you don't feel comfortable riding in bad weather, leave the bike at home.

Dress for protection and visibility

-Loose, flapping clothing and exposed skin is the last thing you want when riding. Your arms and legs should be well covered, preferably in leather, and your shoes or boots should cover your ankles. Never wear shoes that are prone to slipping off, like sandals. To protect your hands and increase your grip, always wear gloves.
-To increase your visibility to other drivers, you should ideally wear bright clothing, and apply reflective material to your clothes and your bike.

Never take an unfamiliar bike into traffic

-Before taking any new or unfamiliar motorcycle into traffic, familiarize yourself with its handling and responsiveness in a controlled area, like a quiet street. This is especially true if you haven't ridden for some time.

Tips from Curtis Weyant from ConsumerSafety.org


PLR 23-002 – PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A 23-year-old Specialist assigned to Fort Bliss, Texas, died in a PMV-4 mishap 10 October 2022 in Junction, Texas, at 1859 local. Reportedly, the Soldier was traveling on I-10 in a Ford F150 and had an accident at mile-marker 116. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of seat belt, and the involvement of alcohol or drugs as contributing factors, are currently unknown. The unit/safety points of contact are awaiting further documentation and updates from the investigation.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of 35 Soldiers a year to PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the first PMV-4 fatality of FY23 and above the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.



PLR 23-001 – Privately Owned Weapons Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, Privately Owned Weapons
A Private First Class assigned to Fort Stewart, Georgia, died in a privately owned weapons (POW) mishap 6 October 2022 on the installation at 1930 local. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including the involvement of alcohol or drugs, are currently unknown. The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is investigating the mishap. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for CID to release its final report.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of three Soldiers a year to POW mishaps. This tragedy was the first POW fatality of FY23.



PLR 22-082 – PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A 19-year-old Private First Class assigned Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died in a PMV-2 mishap 30 September 2022 in Oak Grove, Kentucky, at 1400 local. The Soldier was involved in a motorcycle mishap and sustained fatal injuries. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of personal protective equipment and completion of the required Motorcycle Safety Foundation training is currently unknown. The Kentucky State Police is investigating the mishap. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for KSP to release its final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 25 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the 25th off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY22.



PLR 22-081 – PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A 21-year-old Sergeant assigned to Fort Polk, Louisiana, died in a PMV-4 mishap 18 September 2022 at 0236 local. The Soldier reportedly left his residence prior to 0230 to take a walk and was struck by a civilian vehicle. The Anacoco Police Department received a 911 call from the driver of the civilian vehicle at 0236. Law enforcement personnel responded to the scene and found the Soldier dead. The civilian driver stayed on the scene and was cooperative with local authorities. First responders found the Soldier’s wallet and cellphone and used the items to confirm his identity. The Anacoco Police Department is currently investigating. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for the Anacoco Police Department to release its final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of seven Soldiers a year to PMV-Pedestrian/Non-Motorist mishaps. This mishap was the third PMV-Pedestrian/Non-Motorist fatality of FY22 and below the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.


At some point in the day, everyone is a pedestrian. Unfortunately, pedestrian injuries and fatalities remain high. In 2020, 6,516 pedestrians were killed, and an estimated 55,000 pedestrians were injured nationwide. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration raises awareness of the dangers to pedestrians and provides tips to keep them safe.

8 Walking Safety Tips:
1.Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.
2.Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available.
3.If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.
4.Cross streets at crosswalks or intersections. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right.
5.If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; continue watching for traffic as you cross.
6.Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways or backing up in parking lots.
7.Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and your judgment.
8.Embrace walking as a healthy form of transportation — get up, get out and get moving.

