Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

About Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

PLRs are intended to be used as an engagement tool for leaders to discuss the hazards and trends impacting Soldier safety and readiness. A PLR contains only basic information, as the investigation is ongoing, but provides sufficient background to allow leaders an opportunity to communicate risk at the Soldier level.


PLR 22-013 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A Florida National Guard Staff Sergeant on active duty for operational support died in a PMV-2 mishap 23 November 2021 in Flagler County, Florida, at 2300 local. The Soldier was riding on Interstate 95 when he struck a semi-tractor trailer traveling in the same direction, reportedly ejecting him from the motorcycle. The Florida Highway Patrol indicated other vehicles may have struck him while in the roadway. Local authorities responded and the Soldier was pronounced dead at the scene. It is unknown at this time if the Soldier was wearing personal protective equipment, if speed or alcohol were factors, or if he had completed the proper Military SportBike RiderCourse. This mishap is still under investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 25 Soldiers a year to PMV-2 mishaps. This preventable mishap is the fifth PMV-2 fatality of FY22, above the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.

While motorcycles can be a fun, quick and convenient way to travel, there are higher risks involved compared to driving cars. Due to having less impact protection, many motorcycle accidents become fatal. Should a motorcyclist get into a crash, they are 27 times more likely to die compared to those who get into car accidents. Accidents happen, but sadly, many are preventable.

Here a few simple tips to improve your chances and increase motorcycle safety. These tips could be the difference in preventing a fatal motorcycle accident.

1. Be Aware, Be Focused, Be Alert - It is important that you eliminate as many distractions as you can when riding a motorcycle. Be mindful of your surroundings and other cars around you. A sudden stop, change in traffic speed or other obstacles could spring up at any moment. Never operate a motorcycle drunk, sleepy or sluggish. Even small distractions can lead to serious motorcycle injuries.

2. Assume No Car Can See You - Riding a motorcycle makes you less of a viewable obstacle on the road. Many motorcyclists tend to fall within a car driver’s blind spot. In addition, car drivers are subconsciously paying more attention to other cars on the road than motorcycles. Many motorcycle accidents were caused because a car driver did not see a motorcycle and thought a motorcycle “came out of nowhere,” even though the motorcyclist was nearby for miles. It is best to believe that none of the other cars on the road can see you so you do not make a poor decision based on assumption.

3. Pay Attention to the Wheels of the Cars in Front of You - One useful tip for motorcyclists is to pay attention to the wheels of the cars in front of them. Seeing where the wheel pivots will help you discern where they are going if the car decides to change lanes or make a left turn. It also lets you know what direction the car is going if it decides to back up near you.

4. Make Sure Your Path is Clear - While you’re observing the wheels of the cars in front of you, check to make sure your path is clear. Many motorcycle crashes are caused by running over fallen tree branches, rocks, potholes, oil spills or other hazards on the road. While a car could possibly run over these hazards without a problem due to its weight and four-wheel drive, a motorcycle weighs significantly less and requires more balance on two wheels. Look ahead to avoid hazardous paths or pull over to a stop at a safe place if you see such obstacles ahead.

Night Riding: Quite often, you will have to ride at night. After all, it is dark 50% of the time. Dusk is really the worst time, when people’s eyes are adjusting from daylight to headlights. Be especially careful just after sunset. The following tips might help:

-Slow down a little when riding at night, especially on any sort of winding road.

-Use your own headlight, and those of other traffic, to keep an eye on the road surface. It is more difficult at night to see the patch of sand or something that fell out of a pickup.

-Distance between you and the vehicle in front becomes even more important at night. Give yourself room to react.

-Wear a clear face shield without scratches. A scratched shield can create light refraction that might confuse you; two headlights can look like four, and you do not know who is coming from where.

One of your biggest hazards at night may be a “who” coming from a few hours of drinking.

-Be especially alert for drivers and vehicles doing odd things, like weaving in and out of traffic, and give them lots of room.


PLR 22-012 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A Specialist assigned to Ft. Campbell, Kentucky died in a PMV-4 mishap 24 November 2021 in Whites Creek, Tennessee near Nashville, at 0300 local. A group of Soldiers were traveling back to Ft. Campbell in a single vehicle when the driver lost control of the vehicle, while negotiating a sharp turn, and struck a rock wall. It is unknown who notified 911. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including the fatal Soldier’s position within the vehicle, speed, the Soldiers use of a seat belt, as well as alcohol or drugs as contributing factors, are also unknown at this time. The safety/unit points of contact are waiting for the local law enforcement to release their final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 36 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the sixth PMV-4 fatality of FY22.

Stay Alert – Avoid Distractions
Distractions are everywhere today and becoming more and more difficult to avoid. Remember, your eyes and ears are your best tools for keeping safe. Stay alert and watch out.

•Put down your phone. Smartphones and handheld electronic devices are a daily part of life, but they take your eyes off the road and distract your attention.

•Don’t wear headphones. Your ears will tell you a lot about what is happening around you – be sure to use them.

1. Avoid distractions while operating a vehicle.
2. Your focus should be on the task of driving safely.
3. Pay attention to your surroundings especially if you are unfamiliar with the area in which you are driving.
4. Focus as far to your front as possible using peripheral vision to scan for obstacles.
5. Maintain the posted speed limit.
6. Always wear your seat belt and ensure your passengers do the same.

How to be a better passenger
•Share the responsibilities - make yourself useful, whether you offer to operate the satellite navigation or act as another set of eyes for the driver – can help avoid any accidents that would have happened due to distraction or driver fatigue. Keeping watch for any diversions and reading road signs will also help the driver to focus on the task of driving.

•Banish backseat driving - Keeping a watchful eye for things the driver might miss is helpful; criticizing every move the driver makes could be harmful. If the driver gets frustrated or annoyed, the likelihood is they will pay less attention to the road, which could lead to an easily avoidable accident.

Every day, about 28 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that is one person every 52 minutes. In 2019, these deaths reached the lowest percentage since 1982 when NHTSA started reporting alcohol data — but still 10,142 people lost their lives. These deaths were all preventable.

In 2019, almost 74% of speeding drivers involved in fatal crashes between midnight and 3:00 a.m. were alcohol-impaired (blood alcohol concentration [BAC] of .08 g/dL or higher) compared to 43% of non-speeding drivers.


PLR 22-011 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A Specialist assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky died in a PMV-2 mishap 12 November 2021 near Nashville, Tennessee, at 0915 local. The Soldier was approaching an intersection when a garbage truck failed to yield, while making a left turn, and collided with the Soldier’s motorcycle. It is unknown who called 911. The Soldier was transported to the local medical center for life threatening injuries. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of personal protective equipment, the involvement of alcohol or drugs, and the completion of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation required training, are also unknown. The family decided on 22 November to remove the Soldier from life support.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 25 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the fourth off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY22.


PLR 22-010 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
An Active Guard Reserve Staff Sergeant assigned to the Army National Guard, Hazen, Arkansas, died in a PMV-4 mishap 12 November 2021 in Bowie County, Texas, at 1940 local. The Soldier was operating her vehicle when a tractor trailer struck her rear bumper. As a result, she lost control and struck a concrete barrier. She was transported to the local medical center and pronounced dead upon arrival. It is unknown who notified 911. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of a seat belt, and alcohol or drugs as contributing factors, are also unknown. The safety/unit points of contact are waiting for the Arkansas State Police to release their final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 36 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the fifth PMV-4 fatality of FY22.


PLR 22-009 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A Specialist assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died in a PMV-2 mishap 11 November 2021 in Fayetteville, North Carolina, at 2330 local. The Soldier was operating his motorcycle in an apartment complex parking lot when he lost control and collided with two parked vehicles. He was evacuated to the local hospital and pronounced dead upon arrival by the attending physician. At this time, it is unknown who notified 911 and reported the mishap. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed and use of personal protective equipment, are also unknown. Alcohol or drugs were not a contributing factor to the mishap. The Soldier was not licensed and did not complete the required Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses. The safety/unit points of contact are waiting for Fayetteville Police Department to release their final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 25 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the third off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY22.

At some point, many people flirt with the idea of riding a motorcycle. It is a noble goal, but not without plenty of obstacles - and that is before traffic even comes into play. How can anyone learn to ride without a license - or even without a bike? What if the new bike shows up, along with a big box of expensive gear, and riding just is not your thing? Truthfully, the whole idea - being among cars without the same protection offered by a car - can be somewhat scary.

For new riders, especially, a motorcycle safety course can provide a solution to most of these problems.

Counting down from 10, here are some tips to support why you should take training, beyond the fact that it is a regulatory requirement.

10: Motorcycle Safety Foundation-based courses are reputable
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation's riding courses are the only such program in the world, and the organization carefully maintains its reputation and high standards. The MSF certifies its own coaches and provides certification programs. Many independent and state-sponsored schools use the MSF curriculum and employ MSF-certified coaches.
Courses are conducted throughout the riding season but availability varies by location. Motorcycle experience is not necessary for beginning courses, but some schools recommend that students be comfortable on a bicycle so the riding posture and balance are not very new sensations. Course tuition also varies depending on location. In some areas, costs are subsidized by corporations (like motorcycle manufacturers), government safety or training programs, or other nonprofits (like safety awareness organizations).

There are some guidelines to follow when selecting a course; any high quality program should be happy to provide this information. Reputable schools use late-model motorcycles, regularly inspected and certified according to local safety laws. At a good school, classes will be small so the instructors can pay attention to everyone. Schools' websites should provide the information necessary to prepare for class, such as what will happen during inclement weather, whether students need a motorcycle permit or if just a driver's license will suffice, fill out any liability forms required, and whether the state licensing exam is available after completing the course.

9: Motorcycle safety courses improve the hobby's reputation
Scary fact: More than half of all motorcycle crashes involve riders with fewer than five months of experience. Motorcycling does not enjoy a flawless public perception, but the sport's advocates believe that if riders hold themselves to a higher standard, some of the negative misconceptions about motorcycles - namely, that most riders are reckless and disregard the safety of themselves and fellow motorists - might diminish over time. Riders gain more respect by taking the time to attend training.

Even careful, responsible riders must face the realities of the sport's reputation. Being injured is an ongoing concern for new and experienced riders alike. Although nothing can guarantee that a rider will not get hurt, the intent of motorcycle training is to prepare all riders to cope with a variety of situations and enjoy the road as safely as possible.
A rider who is serious about the hobby should be properly educated and trained and ride appropriately, to avoid undermining these efforts.

8: The most popular motorcycle safety courses are designed for novice riders
Basic courses are the first step for all new riders, and the cornerstone of a quality motorcycle safety-training program. This level provides expert instruction and observed practice in a safe and comfortable environment, so new riders will be less overwhelmed when they finally hit the road solo.
If instruction at this level sounds too basic, there are many other options for more experienced riders.

7: Refresher courses help with forgotten or neglected skills
There are a variety of courses for riders with some experience, but desire a bit of professional attention. Perhaps it has been a while, due to an injury or illness, because the weather has been bad or because the rider decide to re-enter the sport. Maybe life just got in the way and took the focus off riding. Better to seek help and regain the necessary confidence than to take a risk with stale skills.

Whatever the reason, a motorcycle safety course can help whip a lapsed rider right back into shape.

6: Experienced rider? Try an intermediate course
Eager to recapture the thrill of those early days on a motorcycle? In an intermediate class, designed for experienced riders, instructors will examine skills with a fresh eye, offer new techniques to enhance the riding experience and provide feedback to correct bad habits.

Specific course offerings vary by school and location, but there are many options for experienced riders. There are a few different levels of basic skill enhancement, as well as courses designed specifically for street riding.

Many schools require intermediate students to bring their own motorcycles to the class - that way, instructors can focus on refining skills and students are not distracted by operating an unfamiliar vehicle. Any of these courses (or similar courses offered by a local school) will improve the quality of life for a motorcycle enthusiast. There is always room for improvement, after all.

5: Some motorcycle safety courses offer specialized skill training
Thanks in part to high gas prices, scooters are rising in popularity. Scooters are different from motorcycles mainly because most of them feature automatic transmissions and they are easier to ride. However, some scooters are even more powerful than an average bike. Since scooters are especially popular in urban areas with heavy traffic, it is important to learn to ride properly. If made in advance, some motorcycle schools will teach the basic course to students on scooters. Other schools offer scooter-specific training courses.
Many schools offer advanced courses for general, yet in-depth, refinement of skill and technique.

4: It is a smarter investment than blindly buying a bike
It is a lot of fun to browse eBay and Craigslist, so it is understandable that many new riders have selected a few potential bikes before getting a grasp on the state's licensing requirements.

Looks are not everything. It is easy to believe the best way to get experience is on a newly purchased motorcycle, but in fact, the opposite is true. Most motorcycle safety courses provide helmets and motorcycles for the hands-on instruction segments of the entry-level class (but of course, check with the school first - students sometimes need to bring their own gloves and other protective equipment). For new riders, taking a course is an inexpensive way to try riding, without making the full investment in a bike and gear, not to mention maintenance and insurance.

After completing a motorcycle safety course, it is easier to make a more educated decision about buying. Riders will gain some insight about what kind of motorcycles they would prefer to own, and the school's instructors might be willing to provide valuable advice. Some schools have a variety of bikes in the fleet, so students can switch it up and try different types, and the class instruction segment of the course sometimes covers the basics of choosing a motorcycle. It will be easier to go shopping after completing the course, since motorcycle dealerships will not allow test rides to prospective buyers without motorcycle licenses. An investment of several thousand dollars, or more, is not cheap - there is little point in buying a motorcycle up front, only to find out that riding it is not as appealing as you imagined.

3: Possible insurance discounts... and other benefits
Some insurance providers will give a discount on motorcycle insurance after completion of a certified motorcycle safety course. The discount usually ranges from five to 20 percent, depending on the particular insurance carrier. Motorcycle insurance is not cheap, so these savings can be substantial. Sometimes, a rider will break even on taking the course. The discount is not only for new riders. A motorcycle rider who takes a course might still be eligible for this benefit - it is always worth asking the insurance agent.
Sometimes, there are other financial benefits to completing a motorcycle course. When shopping for a brand new motorcycle after completing a motorcycle safety course, ask the salesperson or check the manufacturer's website to see if they offer any discounts or bonuses.

2: It is a faster path to a motorcycle license
The local motor vehicle registration office is rarely a pleasant experience. Imagine strolling in to take the motorcycle-licensing exam, trudging out to a parking lot and working it like a show pony while the examiner yells out commands. Kind of intimidating, right?

Now consider that in some states, successful completion of a motorcycle safety course or other recognized programs can allow a rider to bypass the written or riding portions of the motorcycle license exam, and in a few states, riders qualify for a motorcycle license immediately and automatically after passing the course. Some schools work with the state to offer the riding exam on site, under the same conditions as the course's instruction, and students can use the same motorcycles. That should give a boost of confidence to nervous riders!

Some schools require students to hold a current motorcycle permit (in many states, available based on the completion of a written test); others require only a valid driver's license. However, that is the easy part. Since state laws vary widely, it is always best to do some research. Both the state motor vehicle registry and local motorcycle schools' websites should provide the information necessary to understand all the steps involved in obtaining a motorcycle license.

1: Get confident... and in turn, make riding a motorcycle more fun
A motorcycle safety course might actually be fun - after all, riding is supposed to be fun - but that is not the program's primary goal. According to testimonials on many schools' websites, new riders often describe the course as intense and rigorous. The results demonstrate that the intensity pays off. Generally, schools estimate that about 80 to 90 percent of students pass the beginner course on the first attempt.

Though a motorcycle safety course teaches skills in a highly controlled environment, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation says that the techniques are applicable to any situation. Even though the offerings of a school's beginner fleet might not satisfy the dreams of future cruising, learning on smaller motorcycles still provides the techniques to master a bigger bike, according to the MSF. That confidence will pay dividends in the end, because well-trained new riders will be less distracted and more able to concentrate on developing those skills and techniques.

So, which sounds more appealing for a first solo cruise? The thrill of flying blind brings with it unnecessary and extreme recklessness. Venturing out, with the assurance gained only from being taught and observed by qualified instructors, will allow a new rider to enjoy more pleasures of the experience of riding.

