Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

About Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

PLRs are intended to be used as an engagement tool for leaders to discuss the hazards and trends impacting Soldier safety and readiness. A PLR contains only basic information, as the investigation is ongoing, but provides sufficient background to allow leaders an opportunity to communicate risk at the Soldier level.


PLR 23-002 – PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A 23-year-old Specialist assigned to Fort Bliss, Texas, died in a PMV-4 mishap 10 October 2022 in Junction, Texas, at 1859 local. Reportedly, the Soldier was traveling on I-10 in a Ford F150 and had an accident at mile-marker 116. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of seat belt, and the involvement of alcohol or drugs as contributing factors, are currently unknown. The unit/safety points of contact are awaiting further documentation and updates from the investigation.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of 35 Soldiers a year to PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the first PMV-4 fatality of FY23 and above the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.



PLR 23-001 – Privately Owned Weapons Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, Privately Owned Weapons
A Private First Class assigned to Fort Stewart, Georgia, died in a privately owned weapons (POW) mishap 6 October 2022 on the installation at 1930 local. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including the involvement of alcohol or drugs, are currently unknown. The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is investigating the mishap. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for CID to release its final report.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of three Soldiers a year to POW mishaps. This tragedy was the first POW fatality of FY23.



PLR 22-082 – PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A 19-year-old Private First Class assigned Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died in a PMV-2 mishap 30 September 2022 in Oak Grove, Kentucky, at 1400 local. The Soldier was involved in a motorcycle mishap and sustained fatal injuries. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of personal protective equipment and completion of the required Motorcycle Safety Foundation training is currently unknown. The Kentucky State Police is investigating the mishap. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for KSP to release its final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 25 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the 25th off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY22.



PLR 22-081 – PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A 21-year-old Sergeant assigned to Fort Polk, Louisiana, died in a PMV-4 mishap 18 September 2022 at 0236 local. The Soldier reportedly left his residence prior to 0230 to take a walk and was struck by a civilian vehicle. The Anacoco Police Department received a 911 call from the driver of the civilian vehicle at 0236. Law enforcement personnel responded to the scene and found the Soldier dead. The civilian driver stayed on the scene and was cooperative with local authorities. First responders found the Soldier’s wallet and cellphone and used the items to confirm his identity. The Anacoco Police Department is currently investigating. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for the Anacoco Police Department to release its final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of seven Soldiers a year to PMV-Pedestrian/Non-Motorist mishaps. This mishap was the third PMV-Pedestrian/Non-Motorist fatality of FY22 and below the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.


At some point in the day, everyone is a pedestrian. Unfortunately, pedestrian injuries and fatalities remain high. In 2020, 6,516 pedestrians were killed, and an estimated 55,000 pedestrians were injured nationwide. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration raises awareness of the dangers to pedestrians and provides tips to keep them safe.

8 Walking Safety Tips:
1.Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.
2.Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available.
3.If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.
4.Cross streets at crosswalks or intersections. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right.
5.If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; continue watching for traffic as you cross.
6.Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways or backing up in parking lots.
7.Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and your judgment.
8.Embrace walking as a healthy form of transportation — get up, get out and get moving.


PLR 22-080 – PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A 22-year-old Private First Class assigned to the Army National Guard in an Inactive Duty Training status died in a PMV-4 mishap 18 September 2022 in Harlan, Iowa, at 0400 local. The Soldier was unaccounted for during the 0700 first formation of drill, so the unit made several unsuccessful attempts to contact her. The unit contacted local law enforcement to assist. The Crawford County Sheriff’s Department confirmed they received a notification from the Soldier’s on-board emergency notification system of a crash and responded to the scene. The Soldier was reportedly involved in a single-vehicle mishap and sustained fatal injuries. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, the Soldier’s use of a seat belt, and the involvement of alcohol or drugs as contributing factors, are currently unknown. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for the Crawford County Sheriff’s Department to release its final report.

Since 2017, the Army has lost an average of 35 Soldiers a year to PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the 32nd PMV-4 fatality of FY22 and below the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.


Crashes and Fatalities
Sleepiness can result in crashes any time of the day or night, but three factors are most commonly associated with drowsy-driving crashes.

Drowsy-driving crashes:
1.Occur most frequently between midnight and 6 a.m., or in the late afternoon. At both times of the day, people experience dips in their circadian rhythm — the human body’s internal clock that regulates sleep
2.Often involve only a single driver (and no passengers) running off the road at a high rate of speed with no evidence of braking
3.Frequently occur on rural roads and highways

Tips to Drive Alert


1.Getting adequate sleep daily is the only true way to protect yourself against the risks of driving when you’re drowsy. Experts urge consumers to make it a priority to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
2.Before the start of a long family car trip, get a good night’s sleep, or you could put your entire family and others at risk.
3.Many teens do not get enough sleep at a stage in life when their biological need for sleep increases, which makes them vulnerable to the risk of drowsy-driving crashes, especially on longer trips. Advise your teens to delay driving until they’re well-rested.
4.Avoid drinking any alcohol before driving. Consumption of alcohol interacts with sleepiness to increase drowsiness and impairment.
5.Always check your prescription and over-the-counter medication labels to see if drowsiness could result from their use.
6.If you take medications that could cause drowsiness as a side effect, use public transportation when possible.
7.If you drive, avoid driving during the peak sleepiness periods (midnight – 6 a.m. and late afternoon). If you must drive during the peak sleepiness periods, stay vigilant for signs of drowsiness, such as crossing over roadway lines or hitting a rumble strip, especially if you’re driving alone.


1.Drinking coffee or energy drinks alone is not always enough. They might help you feel more alert, but the effects last only a short time, and you might not be as alert as you think you are. If you drink coffee and are seriously sleep deprived, you still may have “micro sleeps” or brief losses of consciousness that can last for four or five seconds. This means that at 55 miles per hour, you’ve traveled more than 100 yards down the road while asleep. That’s plenty of time to cause a crash.

2.If you start to get sleepy while you’re driving, drink one to two cups of coffee and pull over for a short 20-minute nap in a safe place, such as a lighted, designated rest stop. This has been shown to increase alertness in scientific studies, but only for short time periods.

