Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

About Preliminary Loss Reports (PLRs)

PLRs are intended to be used as an engagement tool for leaders to discuss the hazards and trends impacting Soldier safety and readiness. A PLR contains only basic information, as the investigation is ongoing, but provides sufficient background to allow leaders an opportunity to communicate risk at the Soldier level.


PLR 21-090 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A Private First Class assigned to Fort Hood, Texas, died in a PMV-4 mishap 21 August 2021 in Killeen, Texas, at 2130 local. Two Soldiers were riding as passengers in a civilian vehicle when they were struck on the side by another vehicle. One Soldier was ejected from the vehicle and his body was found near the scene of the mishap almost 24 hours later. Preliminary investigations determined the Soldier was not wearing a seat belt and alcohol was likely a factor. The other Soldier was discharged from the hospital with no injuries.

Since 2016, the Army has lost an average of 33 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the 38th PMV-4 fatalities of FY21.

AR 385-10 – The Army Safety Program

11–4. Safe motor vehicle operations
a. Occupant protection (HSPG Number 20).

(1) Occupant protective devices will be worn by all persons in or on an Army-owned motor vehicle whether on or off the installation.

(2) All personnel, to include Family members, guests, and visitors, will wear occupant protective devices at all times on an Army installation.

(3) Occupant protective devices will be worn by all Soldiers driving or riding in a PMV whether on or off the installation.

One of the safest choices drivers and passengers can make is to buckle up. Many Americans understand the lifesaving value of the seat belt – the national use rate was at 90.3% in 2020. Seat belt use in passenger vehicles saved an estimated 14,955 lives in 2017.

55% of those killed during the nighttime in 2019 were unrestrained.

Of the 22,215 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019, 47% were not wearing seat belts.

Buckling up helps keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle, whereas not buckling up can result in being totally ejected from the vehicle in a crash, which is almost always deadly.

Air bags are not enough to protect you; in fact, the force of an air bag can seriously injure or even kill you if you’re not buckled up.

Improperly wearing a seat belt, such as putting the strap below your arm, puts you and your children at risk in a crash.

The benefits of buckling up are clear:

1. If you buckle up in the front seat of a passenger car, you can reduce your risk of: Fatal injury by 45% (Kahane, 2015) and moderate to critical injury by 50%

2. If you buckle up in a light truck, you can reduce your risk of: Fatal injury by 60% (Kahane, 2015) and moderate to critical injury by 65% (NHTSA, 1984)



PLR 21-089 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A Sergeant First Class assigned to Fort Knox, Kentucky, died in a PMV-2 mishap 14 August 2021 at 1815 local. The Soldier was a passenger on a motorcycle that struck a truck entering the roadway. Emergency medical services arrived and pronounced the Soldier dead at the scene. She was not wearing any personal protective equipment.

Since 2016, the Army has lost an average of 27 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the 22nd off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY21.

Motorcycle riders continue to be overrepresented in fatal traffic crashes. In 2019, 5,014 motorcyclists died. To keep everyone safe, we urge drivers and motorcyclists to share the road and be alert, and we're reminding motorcyclists to make themselves visible, to use U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) compliant motorcycle helmets, and to always ride sober.

Per vehicle miles traveled in 2019, motorcyclists were about 29 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash, and were four times more likely to be injured. Safe motorcycling takes balance, coordination and good judgment.

If you're ever in a serious motorcycle crash, the best hope you have for protecting your brain is a helmet. Always wear a helmet that meets DOT Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 218. Look for the DOT symbol on the outside back of the helmet. Snell and ANSI labels located inside the helmet also show that the helmet meets the standards of those private, non-profit organizations.

Arms and legs should be completely covered when riding a motorcycle, ideally by wearing leather or heavy denim. In addition to providing protection in a crash, protective gear also helps prevent dehydration. Boots or shoes should be high enough to cover your ankles, while gloves allow for a better grip and help protect your hands in the event of a crash. Wearing brightly colored clothing with reflective material will make you more visible to other vehicle drivers.



PLR 21-088 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-2
A Specialist assigned to the U.S. Army Reserve, Dublin, California, died in a PMV-2 mishap 24 July 2021 in Dublin at 1400 local. The Soldier’s unit was released from training at approximately 1100 to travel back to home of record, and a group of nine Soldiers went to a nearby indoor go-kart track. While waiting their turn at the track, the Soldier began operating his motorcycle at a high rate of speed when he lost control and slammed into a pillar. Emergency medical services were called and the Soldier was pronounced dead on the scene by the Alameda Fire Department at 1414. The unit was notified of the mishap at 1430 by one of the other Soldiers. The Dublin Sheriff’s Department is currently conducting an investigation.

Since 2016, the Army has lost an average of 27 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the 21st off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY21.

Motorcycle Safety Tips

While motorcycles can be a fun, quick and convenient way to travel, there are higher risks involved compared to driving cars. Due to having less impact protection, many motorcycle accidents become fatal. Should a motorcyclist get into a motorcycle crash, they are 27 times more likely to die compared to those who get into car accidents. Accidents happen, but sadly many are preventable.

Here a few simple tips to increase motorcycle safety. These tips could be the difference in preventing a fatal motorcycle accident.

1. Be aware, be focused, be alert - It is important that you eliminate as many distractions as you can when riding a motorcycle. Be mindful of your surroundings and other cars around you. A sudden stop, change in traffic speed or other obstacles could spring up at any moment. Never operate a motorcycle drunk, sleepy or sluggish. Even small distractions can lead to serious injuries.

2. Assume no car can see you - Riding a motorcycle makes you less of a viewable obstacle on the road. Many motorcyclists tend to fall within a car driver’s blind spot. Also, car drivers are subconsciously paying more attention to other cars on the road than motorcycles. Many motorcycle accidents occurred when a car driver didn’t see a motorcycle and thought a motorcycle “came out of nowhere,” even though the motorcyclist was nearby for miles. It’s best to believe that none of the other cars on the road can see you so you don’t make a poor decision based on assumption.

3. Pay attention to the wheels of the cars in front of you - One useful tip for motorcyclists is to pay attention to the wheels of the cars in front of them. Seeing where the wheel pivots will help you discern where they are going if the car decides to change lanes or make a left turn. It also lets you know what direction the car is going if it decides to back up near you.

4. Make sure your path is clear - While you’re observing the wheels of the cars in front of you, check to make sure your path is clear. Many motorcycle crashes are caused by running over fallen tree branches, rocks, potholes, oil spills or other hazards on the road. While a car could possibly run over these hazards without a problem, due to the car’s weight and four-wheel drive, a motorcycle weighs significantly less and requires more balance on two wheels. Look ahead to avoid hazardous paths or pull over to a stop at a safe place if you see such obstacles ahead.



PLR 21-087 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
An Active Guard Reserve Chief Warrant Officer 2 assigned to the U.S. Army Reserve in Phoenix, Arizona, died in a PMV-4 mishap 5 August 2021 in Mustang Ridge, Texas on, at approximately 1230 local. The Soldier departed his place of duty to meet his spouse for a pre-natal care appointment in Kyle, Texas. Due to heavy rain, the Soldier lost control of his vehicle, left the roadway and crashed. The Soldier’s spouse called 911 and he was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical services.

Since 2016, the Army has lost an average of 33 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the 37th PMV-4 fatality of FY21.

Tips for driving safely in the rain

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, there are nearly 1,235,000 automobile accidents each year related to weather. A majority of those accidents happen during rainfall (46%) and when the pavement is wet (70%).

Being behind the wheel with a rain-splattered windshield doesn't have to be an agitating, scary experience. The first step is to check your windshield wipers and replace them when streaking occurs. And while many of these other safety tips might seem like common sense, it’s always good to run through a mental checklist when driving in the rain.

Stay alert - Pay attention to what is going on around you when weather conditions aren’t ideal. Be extra cautious with merging lanes. Motorists should drive defensively, check around their vehicle and in blind spots, then take precautions when passing vehicles to prevent merging collisions.

Increase your visibility by turning on your headlights - It’s the law. All states require headlights to be on in bad weather, when visibility is low. Many states also require that when the windshield wipers are on due to bad weather, the headlights must also be on.

Beware of hydroplaning - When excess water sits on top of the road, tires can lose traction and hydroplane, causing your vehicle to slide uncontrollably. It doesn’t take much – driving 35 mph or faster with as little as one-twelfth of an inch of rain on the road makes any type of car, SUV, truck or four-wheel drive at risk for hydroplaning. Tires that have more wear also increase this risk, so be sure to check your tires' tread depth regularly.

As soon as it starts raining, slow down. If you start to hydroplane, you need to slow down even more. Begin by taking your foot off the gas pedal to allow the vehicle to slow down. Then slowly begin steering in the direction you are hydroplaning until you have control. It seems contradictory, but this actually helps your tires to realign with your vehicle – so they are both going the same direction. All steering needs to be slow. Don’t jerk the wheel or you could flip your car due to overcorrecting. Consider taking a driving course through your local DMV to learn how to drive safer on wet roads and better avoid hydroplaning. Check your local driving schools, too, to see if they offer safe-driving courses.

Slow down and turn off cruise control - Wet roads can be the most difficult to drive on. The grease and oil from cars produce a film on roads during dry conditions. When it rains, this layer becomes extremely slippery. Drive defensively in the rain and reduce your speed to below the speed limit to prevent the chance of hydroplaning. Add more car lengths between you and the car in front of you.

The cruise control should never be used during the rain. If you begin hydroplaning while the cruise control is on, you will actually be going faster. It could take a second or two for the cruise control function to disengage allowing you to take control of your vehicle and slow down. Those seconds could be critical.

Brake cautiously - One primary reason cars collide during rainstorms is because drivers slam on their brakes as if the roads were dry. The wet road causes the car to slide forward, often into the rear of another car. Brake gently and early to alert the driver behind you that you are slowing down.

Avoid the splash - The big splash you get when you drive through a huge puddle can be costly. If water enters the engine compartment of your vehicle, it can damage the internal systems. Drive around large puddles and avoid running water. Once you have safely passed, tap lightly on your brake pedal to dry off your brake rotors. If there is a middle lane, drive in it to help increase visibility and avoid deep water that might develop when rain runs off the sides of the road.

Driving in rain at night - Driving at night in the rain can be especially dangerous because of the glare of oncoming traffic, amplified by the rain on your windshield. To help reduce glare, you can dim your dashboard lights, avoid looking directly at oncoming headlights and clean both the inside and outside of your windshield. Be sure to use the ventilation system to help with the fog that might form on the inside of your windows.

Extra precautions might help ease the anxiety associated with driving in the rain, making it safer for everyone. If a crash does happen, make sure you know the steps to take afterward.



PLR 21-086 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

Posting Date:   /   Categories: Preliminary Loss Reports, PMV-4
A Staff Sergeant on PCS leave from Camp Carroll, South Korea, died in a PMV-4 mishap 4 August 2021 in Augusta, Georgia, at 0658 local. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including the Soldier’s use of seat belt, speed and alcohol/drugs as contributing factors are unknown at this time. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for local law enforcement to release their report.

Since 2016, the Army has lost an average of 33 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the 36th PMV-4 fatality of FY21.


