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PLR 18-003 - Bicycling Accident Claims One Soldier's Life

A Sergeant First Class assigned to 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia, died 9 October 2017 at 0700 local on the installation. The Soldier was riding a hand-cranked trike on a public roadway near the installation gate when he was struck from behind by a Toyota Prius. He died from his injuries during transport to Winn Army Community Hospital on Fort Stewart. The Soldier was wearing a helmet and bright clothing, but his cycle had no lighting or reflective markings.

ANALYZE IT: https://safety.army.mil/ShrinkLink/163

TRAIN IT: http://bikeleague.org/content/rules-road-0

  • 18 January 2018
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 5098
  • Comments: 0