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Group motorcycle rides: things to consider

Group motorcycle rides: things to consider

Driving Directorate
U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center

Group motorcycle rides can be one of the most enjoyable ways to ride or one of the most terrifying. Group rides vary in size and purpose, usually consist of three or more motorcycles to upwards of a hundred or more! Sometimes the rides occur by chance or are organized to support an event, cause, or to raise awareness of events such as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. Regardless of the reason, there are some basic areas of concern the group leader, ride captain and riders should address prior to the ride.

Have you ever ridden in a group ride?

If you have, you know that although it is a fun way to experience riding, it also takes a different approach from solo riding. In an impromptu group ride scenario, you have to consider many factors to arrive without incident to your destination. What type of motorcycles are present? What is the experience level of other riders? Who is the ride captain? What type of formation and what is the interval? Hand signals? Breakdown procedure? Rest stops? As you can see, a group ride generates many questions. If the group has logged many miles together, the pre-ride brief is delivered by the road captain and any questions or issues the riders may have are addressed and resolved before the ride begins.

Dynamics of the ride change constantly due to the close proximity of other riders. Factors such as possible road hazards, including road surface conditions, can affect the ride and also the ability of other riders to hold lane position and speed, as well as pass hand signals as required.

How do I gain experience?

Practice. For those that ride often in groups, think back to your first time participating in a group ride. You probably don’t remember much about the ride other than the motorcycle immediately to your front and hopefully the one behind you. Start out with small groups of three to five riders. Check the weather forecast! Assign a road captain – usually the most experienced rider who should discuss the route, hand signals, rest stops, breakdown procedures and any other information pertinent to the ride. Start out with short rides, about 40 miles or so round trip. Talk about the ride after you’re done. What went well, what do we need to work on?

Are there any other considerations?

The short answer is yes, but there are far too many to discuss here. Motorcycle riding is unpredictable, so it is important to be prepared for any emergency situation. I would like to mention weather again and highly recommend you conduct a weather forecast check days before the ride, the day of the ride and during the ride at stops, if possible. I have been on more than one ride where weather has cut the ride short, but with today’s technology it is easier to remain aware of current conditions.

For more information on group rides, visit our Motorcycle Mentorship Program site and download Module 7: Introduction to Group Rides, https://safety.army.mil/ShrinkLink/88.

Ride safe, ride long!

  • 30 April 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1091
  • Comments: 0
Categories: Off-DutyPMV-2