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PLR 18-088 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims Two Soldiers' Lives

A 28-year-old Specialist and 37-year-old Staff Sergeant assigned to the Warrior Transition Battalion, Fort Benning, Georgia, died following a PMV-4 mishap that happened 23 July 2018 in Harris County, Georgia, about 1900 local. The Soldiers’ vehicle exited the roadway, struck an embankment and overturned. Speed is suspected as a factor in the crash.

  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 37,461 traffic fatalities in 2016. Among them, 10,111 (27 percent) were in crashes where at least one driver was speeding.

  • In fatal crashes, 50 percent of speeding passenger vehicle drivers were unrestrained at the time of the crash, compared to 21 percent of non-speeding passenger vehicle drivers.

  • Young male drivers were the most likely to be speeding at the time of the fatal crash. Nearly one-third (32 percent) of male drivers in the 15- to 20-year-old age group involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the time of the crash, compared to 22 percent for female drivers in the same age group.

  • Drivers who were speeding when involved in fatal crashes were more likely to have been drinking - and drinking more - than those drivers who were not speeding.

  • 2 August 2018
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 504
  • Comments: 0