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PLR 19-008 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 40-year-old Sergeant assigned to 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died in a PMV-2 mishap 7 November 2018 in Bunnlevel, North Carolina, at 1800 local. The Soldier was reportedly operating a motorcycle at a high rate of speed when he exited the roadway and struck a pole. He was wearing personal protective equipment and had completed the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s Basic RiderCourse.


  • In 2016, 33 percent of all motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes were speeding, compared
    to 19 percent for passenger car drivers, 15 percent for light truck drivers and 7 percent for large
    truck drivers.

  • Per vehicle miles traveled in 2016, motorcyclist fatalities occurred nearly 28 times more frequently
    than passenger car occupant fatalities in traffic crashes.

  • Of motorcycle riders who died in single-vehicle crashes in 2016, 37 percent were alcohol impaired.

  • 14 November 2018
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 369
  • Comments: 0