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PLR 21-077 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

An Active Guard Reserve Sergeant assigned to the Army National Guard, Nashville, Tennessee, died in a PMV-2 mishap 18 July 2021 in Johnson City, Tennessee, at 0251 local. The Soldier was operating his motorcycle when he lost control, left the roadway and impacted a ditch. Another Soldier following behind him in a private motor vehicle stated the Soldier was traveling at a high rate of speed at the time of the mishap. Alcohol reportedly was not a contributing factor. The Soldier’s completion of mandatory Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s training and personal protective equipment use have not been verified. The safety/unit points of contact are waiting for local law enforcement to release their report.

Since 2016, the Army has lost an average of 27 Soldiers a year to off-duty PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the 16th off-duty PMV-2 fatality of FY21.

Motorcycle Safety Tips

What can riders do to share the road more safely? Check out these motorcycle riding safety tips:

1. Wear a helmet!
A helmet is essential for safe riding. Helmets are your best defense against a serious brain injury should you get in a motorcycle accident. Not all states require riders wear a helmet, but you should. Make sure it fits securely and is up to the highest safety standards.

2. Get comfortable with your motorcycle.
Each motorcycle is unique, so if you’ve upgraded or gotten a new one, you should take some time to try it out and get familiar with its quirks in a controlled environment. Spend some time getting to know how your motorcycle handles turns, your weight, and familiarize yourself with where all its bells and whistles are located so you won’t be fishing around during a ride!

3. Check your bike before every ride.
A quick check to ensure everything is in working order will save you from starting a doomed trip. Check your tires (their pressure and depth), turn signals, and hand and foot brakes, as well as and your fluid levels, before departing from home. After that, a quick look to ensure nothing is leaking and you’ll be ready to ride.

4. Ride defensively.
Do not assume you can be seen by drivers on the road. Motorcycles are smaller than cars and can easily slip into a driver’s blind spot. Keep your lights on while riding and try to wear bright or reflective clothing.
When riding, do so defensively. This means giving yourself plenty of room to make turns and change lanes, driving within the speed limit and assuming drivers won’t be able to see what you’re doing. Recklessly cutting in front of cars could land you in the hospital … or worse.

5. Obey the rules of the road.
The best way to stay safe is to ride as safely as possible! Follow all lane markings, posted signs and speed limits. Yield to those who have the right of way and avoid speeding and cutting off others. You never know when road conditions could change.

6. Be aware of the weather.
Changes in weather can be dangerous for motorcycles, as slippery roads can cause you to lose control. Be aware of conditions for the day before you set out, and have a plan for what to do if the weather worsens.

7. Don’t drink and ride.
Motorcyclists are more likely to die in a drunk driving crash than drivers. Don’t become a sad statistic; be sure to avoid driving under any kind of influence, when drowsy and while distracted.



  • 23 July 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 200
  • Comments: 0