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PLR 23-088 - Other Ground Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 22-year-old Specialist assigned to the Army National Guard, Pontotoc, Mississippi, died in an off-duty ground other ground mishap 6 August 2023 in Houston, Mississippi, at 1300 local. The Soldier was leaving drill and en route to his home, riding as a rear passenger in a vehicle. The driver pulled over to switch driving duties with another occupant. Before the vehicle started traveling again, a tree fell on its roof, fatally injuring the Soldier and another occupant.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of three Soldiers a year to off-duty ground other ground mishaps. This mishap was the second off-duty ground other ground fatality of FY23 and above the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.




  • 15 August 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 2337
  • Comments: 0