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PLR 23-095 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 20-year-old Specialist assigned to Destin, Florida, died in a PMV-4 mishap 27 August 2023 in Ponce de Leon, Florida, at 1741 local. The Soldier was traveling west on the interstate when his vehicle began to hydroplane, left the roadway and struck a tree. The Holmes County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) responded and pronounced him dead at the scene. The Soldier was wearing his seat belt and alcohol was not involved. Speed is suspected to be a contributing factor. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for HCSO to release its final report.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of 35 Soldiers a year to PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the 31st PMV-4 fatality of FY23 and above the number of fatalities for the same time last year.

Safety tip
Speeding is a factor in nearly 10,000 fatal crashes every year in the United States. And speeding is easily preventable. But despite this clear danger we can easily avoid, drivers continue to speed and drive well over the speed limit every day, causing serious accidents and fatalities.

As a driver, what can you do about speeding? The first step is understanding just how dangerous speeding is: Your crash risk increases incrementally for every mile per hour over the speed limit.

Speeding is dangerously deadly, but we don’t always realize we’re doing it. You may get distracted or simply caught up in the flow of traffic before you realize that you’re speeding. Follow these tips to avoid speeding and become a safer driver.

Use cruise control: Using cruise control can save you effort and energy while maintaining a more consistent safe speed. Cruise control keeps your vehicle at the speed you set. While it’s not useful for surface streets or traffic, cruise control can be invaluable if you’re on a long road trip, especially if you need to watch your speed.

Give yourself time to drive: Speeding often happens when drivers are running late or are in a hurry. It’s not always easy but leaving a few minutes early or at least on time can alleviate your stress and make it easier to avoid feeling like you need to speed to make it on time. Are you already running late? Before you head out, call or send a text message to let them know you’re late so you’ll be more relaxed.

Note speed limits wherever you drive: It’s all too easy to go with what feels comfortable and not worry about what the speed limit sign says. But speed limits are set with safety in mind, factoring safety and road conditions. Make sure you’re paying attention to and following speed limits.

Don’t keep up with speeders: Even if you’re obeying the speed limit, others may not. Resist the temptation to keep up with them and avoid letting them influence your driving habits to get you to go faster. Simply let them go around.

Don’t be intimidated by tailgaters: Some speeders will even ride your tail in an attempt to intimidate other drivers into driving faster. Don’t let this happen. Keep a safe speed and allow speeding tailgaters to go around you or move over to the right lane so they can easily pass you on the left.

Keep an eye out for speeding vehicles: Speeders going faster than you and especially more quickly than the flow of traffic is a dangerous factor on the road. You’ll need to watch out for them and be on high alert for hazards any time you notice a speeding vehicle. It’s best to avoid them and stay out of their way as much as possible.

Be mindful of the music you’re listening to: Hard rock or fast-paced music might encourage you to drive faster than you should. Listening to classical or light music can help you slow down.

Drive a slower car: If you’re driving a performance vehicle, you’re probably predisposed to speeding. But in a slower car, faster speed simply doesn’t come as quickly, making it easier for you to manage your speed.

Stay with the flow of traffic: Generally, traffic flows at a safe rate and it’s best to stay at about the same speed as everyone else. Of course, if everyone else is severely exceeding the speed limit, it’s a good idea to slow down and let them pass.

Always stay aware of the situation: If traffic is slowing down ahead of you, there’s probably a good reason. You should slow down, too, avoiding any hazards up ahead.

Tips provide by defensivedriving.org.




  • 6 September 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 104
  • Comments: 0