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PLR 24-015 - PMV-4 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 32-year-old Sergeant First Class assigned to Fort Cavazos, Texas, died in a PMV-4 mishap in Kileen, Texas, at local. Soldier No. 1 was operating his vehicle at speeds more than 100 mph with Soldier No. 2 riding as a passenger. Soldier No. 1's vehicle collided with another vehicle at an intersection, driven by Soldier No. 3. Kileen Police Department (KPD) responded to the scene and all Soldiers were transported to the local hospital, where Soldier No. 3 died from his injuries. Currently, Soldier No. 1 is in critical condition and Soldier No. 2 is in stable condition. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including use of alcohol, narcotics, seat belts or who notified emergency medical services, are currently unknown. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for KPD to release its final report.

Since FY19, the Army has lost an average of 35 Soldiers a year to PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the seventh fatality of FY24 and above the number of fatalities for the same time last year.

Safety tip

Dangers of Speeding

For more than two decades, speeding has been a factor in nearly 10,000 fatal crashes every year and is the leading cause of most serious motor vehicle accidents. But despite this apparent danger, speeding can easily be avoided.

Don't Fight Traffic. Traffic congestion is among the most frequently contributing factors to aggressive driving, leading to speeding. Drivers may respond by using aggressive driving behaviors, including speeding, changing lanes frequently or becoming angry at anyone they believe impedes their progress.

Avoid the Fear of Running Late. Never become that aggressive driver because you have too much to do and are "running late" for work, school, your next meeting, lesson, soccer game or other appointments. The fear of being late encourages the impulse to speed. Instead, try getting in the habit of leaving a bit earlier. You can start by adding a couple of minutes. As you form this new habit, you can start adding extra time based on where you're going, how far it is and what the traffic is like.

Identify Your Speeding Triggers. Speeding doesn’t always happen because you’re late. Other factors like stress, anger and complacency can cause you to drive too fast. Learning your personal triggers and staying aware of your speed can help you learn how to stop speeding altogether.

Consider the Consequences. If you're unable to get yourself into a calm headspace where you don't feel the need for speed, remind yourself why speed limits are in place. The potential consequences range from bad to fatal. Driving too fast means you have less time to respond to unexpected hazards. Furthermore, if you're involved in a collision, the faster you're traveling, the more severe the impact is going to be.

Don't Let Others Influence Your Driving. It's not uncommon for other drivers to pressure you into going faster. Another driver might travel very closely behind you, wave their hands in frustration or repeatedly try to overtake you. Try your best to ignore them and stick to the rules. If their behavior is making you feel threatened, let them overtake you as soon as there is a safe opportunity for them to do so.

The same goes for passengers within the car. If passengers don't like your speed, try to ignore them and remember that you are behind the wheel; you're in charge of that vehicle's safety. The limits are in place for a reason — don't just follow the pack.



  • 14 November 2023
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 105
  • Comments: 0