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PLR 24-022 - PMV-2 Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 21-year-old Sergeant assigned to Fort Eisenhower, Georgia, died in a PMV-2 mishap in Augusta, Georgia, at local. The Soldier struck a berm along the roadway as he was exiting the interstate to merge onto the expressway. The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) responded and pronounced the Soldier dead at the scene. The specific circumstances of the mishap, including speed, use of personal protective equipment and completion of the required Motorcycle Safety Foundation training, are currently unknown. Alcohol was not involved. The unit/safety points of contact are waiting for RCSO to release its final report.

Since FY19, the Army has lost an average of 28 Soldiers a year to PMV-2 mishaps. This mishap was the ninth PMV-2 fatality of FY24 and above the number of fatalities for the same time period last year.


As a motorcycle rider, you will face many challenges while out on the road. One of the most intimidating for motorcycle riders is heading out on the highway. This is understandable, as you can feel exposed, there are multiple lanes, and high-speed limits. Riding on the highway can be safer than navigating city streets. The traffic travels in the same direction, there are limited entrances and exits, there is no cross traffic, and people generally travel at similar speeds.

Choose the Time of Day

Riding during the day is the safest time to ride your motorcycle on the highway. If you have the option, choose daytime riding over nighttime. Staying safe includes being visible while on the road. This is more challenging at night.

Maintain a Wide Viewpoint

The more of the road you can see, the safer you are. This can be a challenge on the highway as heavy traffic in multiple lanes means reduced visibility. Larger trucks also frequent the highway, creating large visual blocks.

Position yourself to the left or right side of your lane. This does two things. First, it keeps you away from the vehicle fluid buildup or debris that tends to gather in the lane center. Second, it increases visibility for you and the other drivers. Staying to the side allows you to see past the vehicle directly in front of you to see down the lane. It also puts you in a position for other drivers to more readily see you.

Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

Maintain situational awareness as you ride on the highway. Regularly scan your surroundings by looking at the road ahead, immediately around, and behind you. Use your mirrors, but don’t solely depend on them. This helps you stay alert and aware of the changing road and traffic conditions. By staying aware, you can react sooner and avoid potentially dangerous situations.

Avoid riding for extended periods next to other vehicles. This can box you in, eliminating your out. An out is an open space that you can maneuver into to avoid something in your lane. If you ride next to other vehicles, it makes it harder to avoid potential collisions.

Response Time

You will hear varying suggestions about how much space to leave between you and the vehicle in front of you. Some say 2-3 seconds. Others say 4-6 seconds. Ultimately, the distance will vary based on your skill, motorcycle, traffic conditions, road condition, and weather. Leave enough space to give you the reaction time necessary for unexpected changes. The faster you ride, the more response time you need.

Stay Focused

Avoid distractions that can take your attention away from the highway and traffic. Keep your music at a level so that you can still hear the traffic around you. Do not use your cellphone to answer calls or text while riding.

Wear comfortable clothing and all required personal protective gear. If you aren’t comfortable, you can easily be distracted. Finally, be aware of becoming zoned out when riding long distances on the highway. You may hear this called highway hypnosis or white-line fever. The long, straight stretches of road are monotonous. Your mind wanders, you lose concentration, and you could feel tired. Taking breaks can help you feel fresh and prevent mental fatigue.

Tips provided by Motorcycle.com, Plymouth Rock Assurance Co. and Rider Insurance Co.



  • 3 January 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 179
  • Comments: 0