A Major assigned to Fort Drum, New York, died in a PMV-4 mishap 9 February 2025 in Clay, New York, at 0245 local. The Soldier’s vehicle collided with a snowplow truck and caught fire. Emergency services were called, but the vehicle was fully engulfed by the time they arrived. The Soldier was pronounced dead at the scene. Seat belt use, speed and alcohol or drug involvement are currently unknown.
Since FY20, the Army has lost an average of 36 Soldiers a year to PMV-4 mishaps. This mishap was the 14th PMV-4 fatality of FY25 and below the number of fatalities for this same time last year.
Safety tip
Given their size and slow speed when on the job, snowplows represent a significant driving hazard for motorists. Data from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration highlights snowplow-related crashes as a significant part of winter maintenance operations. Although exact collision rates are not always separated, winter weather accounts for around 24% of weather-related accidents, indirectly including snowplow incidents. North of the border, Transport Canada emphasizes that many of these crashes occur because drivers do not maintain enough distance behind snowplows or attempt risky maneuvers.
Be considerate when driving near snowplows
It’s natural to want to get to your destination as quickly as possible, but in winter, driving safely should be a top priority. When you see a snowplow working on the roads:
- Drive slowly.
- Don’t crowd the plow — stay back at least 200 feet.
- Don’t pass on the right.
- Be prepared for sudden stops.
- Make sure your headlights are on. Remember that visibility in front of the plow is often worse.
- Brush the snow off your lights and taillights regularly.
Pass with extreme caution
If you must pass a snowplow, do so with extreme caution. Remember that because of the poor winter driving conditions and the fact that snowplow drivers are focusing on the job at hand, they will likely not be watching for drivers in passenger vehicles. If you are on the road and contemplating passing a snowplow or salt spreader, consider the following:
- Road conditions will always be safer 200 feet behind the equipment.
- While passing a single salt spreader operating on a multi-lane roadway may be feasible, it’s never safe to pass a salt spreader or plow with its blade down, pushing snow.
- Never pass a group of plows that’s stretched across a roadway and engaged in plowing. They are passing hundreds of pounds of snow from vehicle to vehicle.
- Reduce your speed, pass only on the left, allow extra room for passing and, in the case of the salt spreader, prepare for salt to bounce off your car.
Make sure your vehicle is not a contributing factor
While driving in snowy conditions, make sure your lights are on, you have plenty of wiper fluid and your tires are in good shape — particularly the tread.
To check your tread depth, find the treadwear indicator located on the bottom of the tread grooves. When they become visible with the adjacent ribs, the tire has no more than 2/32 inch of depth and should be replaced.
Make sure you have plenty of fuel or are fully charged before venturing out. In the unfortunate event that you’re in a traffic jam or are diverted in a winter storm, you don’t want to be stuck without power on a cold roadway.
If you find yourself out among snowplows, exercise caution, make sure you can be seen and be a good citizen by staying back to let the plows do their jobs. Remember, they’re there to help you. Drive safely!
Tips provide by Element Fleet Management