Risk Management Magazine

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Dress to be Seen

As a sergeant with the Louisiana State Police, I often respond to the scenes of fatal accidents. The hardest part of my job, however, is not seeing these tragic deaths; it’s having to tell loved ones that a family member is not coming home.

An Unsafe Space

As panic set in, the worker ran to the nearby emergency phone to call for help. Their supervisor was the first one on the scene, running up seven flights of stairs, not knowing what he would encounter.

  • 29 September 2024
  • Comments: 0
Don't Let Your Awareness Slip

All too often we hear about off-duty mishaps involving military personnel performing unsafe acts. How can these Soldiers spend months in theater or training without an accident only to be injured or killed within days of returning home? .

  • 29 September 2024
  • Comments: 0
Make Sure It's Secured

After taking care of some routine tasks around the office and meeting with the departing section leader, I gathered my notes and headed outside to hold morning formation. The day was going smoothly and time seemed to fly by. That was about to change.

  • 22 September 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 293
  • Comments: 0
Get Out of the Groove

As we proceeded back to the airport, we requested the instrument landing system (ILS) approach, and ATC assigned vectors. This particular airport during this time of day was busy with many types of traffic — commercial, general aviation, helicopters and military aircraft — all trying to make it back in before the weather hit the airfield.

  • 22 September 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 208
  • Comments: 0
Archery Hunting Preparation

As fall approaches and the weather begins to cool, hunters nationwide are preparing for their pursuit of North America’s most popular big-game animal — the white-tailed deer. Whether it is because the white-tail can be found in almost all the lower 48 states or because it can be harvested with several different types of weapons, one thing is for sure: They cannot legally be taken year-round.

  • 22 September 2024
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 219
  • Comments: 0