Risk Management Magazine

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I still ride motorcycles and I always wear my helmet — except now I wear it for protection instead of vanity.
There When You Need It
Sure, you’ve heard about the dangers of battery acid splashing into the eyes, but that always happens to the other guy. Before you have time to blink or turn your head, it’s now happened to you. Are you prepared for this type of emergency?
  • 19 March 2017
  • Comments: 0
A Man without a Plan
Despite all of the safety briefings, classes and options available to me, I still took a stupid chance and drove after drinking.
  • 19 March 2017
  • Comments: 0
Respect the Weather
The welcome relief from the bitter cold and snow of winter brings with it another significant hazard — the spring and summer severe weather conditions.
  • 19 March 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1522
  • Comments: 0
Don't Assume
In the aviation business, there is never a time we should take something for granted.
  • 12 March 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 973
  • Comments: 0
Heading for the Edge
When you’re headed for the edge of a 100-foot cliff, where would you rather stop — one foot before or one foot beyond?
  • 12 March 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1115
  • Comments: 0