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PLR 20-057 – Military Parachuting Mishap Claims Marine's Life

A 28-year-old Sergeant assigned to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, died in a military parachuting mishap 16 June 2020 on Fort Benning, Georgia, at 1530 local. The Marine was conducting his third airborne jump, a mass exit with parachute and combat equipment, in U.S. Army Airborne School, when he experienced a partial parachute malfunction, resulting in a hard landing. The Marine was transported via air medevac to the local medical center and pronounced dead upon arrival. The USACRC is leading a safety investigation into the mishap.

Since FY16, the Army has had an average of one military parachuting mishap per year. This was the second military parachuting mishap of FY20 and the same number of similar mishaps during the same time period last year.



  • 19 June 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 499
  • Comments: 0