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PLR 20-062 – Off-Duty Water-Related Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A Private First Class assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, died in an off-duty water-related mishap 28 June 2020 in Dover, Tennessee, at 1245 local. A group of Soldiers were swimming when one of them began struggling after entering the water from a rope swing. Another Soldier attempted to help, but the Soldier never resurfaced. Within 10 minutes, the other Soldiers alerted local authorities, who organized a search-and-rescue mission with three sonar-equipped boats in the vicinity of where the missing Soldier was last seen. The Soldier’s body was recovered the following morning.

Since FY16, the Army has lost an average of eight Soldiers a year to off-duty water-related mishaps. This tragedy was the sixth fatal off-duty water-related mishap of FY20 and below the number of off-duty water-related fatalities from this time last year.



  • 30 June 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 371
  • Comments: 0