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PLR 21-047 - Off-Duty Sports, Recreation, and Physical Training Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A Soldier assigned to Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, died in an ATV mishap 3 April 2021, in Williamsburg, Virginia. The Soldier was involved in a side-by-side ATV mishap and sustained injuries serious enough to warrant an emergency life flight. The specifics of the mishap, including Soldier’s use of personal protective equipment, alcohol or drugs, and speed as contributing factors are unknown at this time. The Soldier was evacuated to the local hospital, where doctors attempted to stabilize him well enough for a life flight to Richmond, Virginia. The chain of command was notified and between the hours of 0027 and 0047, the Soldier died. The safety point of contact is waiting for local law enforcement to release their report.

Since FY16, the Army has lost an average of 12 Soldiers a year to off-duty sports, recreation and physical training mishaps. This tragedy was the fourth fatal off-duty sports, recreation and physical training mishap of FY21.

All Terrain and Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle (ROHV) Safety Rules

-Always fasten your seat belt, wear a helmet and other protective gear and keep all parts of your body inside the ATV/ROV.
-Avoid paved surfaces. ATV/ROVs are designed to be operated off-highway.
-Drive only in designated areas, at a safe speed, and use care when turning and crossing slopes.
-Never drive or ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
-Never drive an ATV/ROV unless you’re 16 or older and have a valid driver’s license. ATV/ROHVs are not toys.
-Never carry more passengers than the ATV/ROV is designed for, and never allow a passenger who is too small to sit in a passenger seat to ride in the ATV/ROV.
-Read and follow the operator’s manual and warning labels.
-Take a hands-on ATV/ROV Basic DriverCourseSM and the free online E-Course.



  • 16 April 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 250
  • Comments: 0