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PLR 21-056 - Military Parachuting Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A Specialist assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died in a military parachuting mishap 19 April 2021 on Sicily Drop Zone (DZ) at approximately 1240 local. The Soldier was conducting a static-line jump from a UH-60. She was found on Sicily DZ entangled in her parachute with no pulse. The Soldier was medically evacuated to Womack Army Medical Center on Fort Bragg, where she was pronounced dead.

Since FY16, the Army has averaged one military parachuting fatality per year. This was the first military parachuting fatality of FY21 and less than the number of similar mishaps during the same time period last year.



  • 28 April 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 404
  • Comments: 0