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PLR 22-015 - GMV Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A Specialist assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky died in a government motor vehicle (GMV) mishap 16 December 2021, at 0156 local. A field litter ambulance drove over two sleeping Soldiers in a non-designated and unmarked sleeping area, resulting in one Soldier fatality and another Soldier suffering non-fatal injuries.

Since 2017, the Army has experienced an average of 10 GMV fatalities per year. This was the second GMV fatality of FY22 and above the number of GMV fatalities during the same time period last year.


- Ensure sleeping area perimeters are designated and marked as tactical situation permits (ChemLight, engineer tape).
- Select sleeping areas protected by natural obstacles when possible.
- Ensure Soldiers do not sleep outside of designated marked sleeping areas or in/under vehicles.
- Post a sleeping area guard to warn vehicle crews of troops on the ground.
- Establish dismount points beyond which vehicles may not move without ground guides.
- Ensure ground guides use flashlights to direct vehicles when visibility is reduced.
- Ensure vehicle commander walks completely around vehicle prior to movement to check for personnel clearance and other hazards in the vicinity.


  • 29 December 2021
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 265
  • Comments: 0