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PLR 23-007 - GMV Mishap Claims One Soldier's Life

A 20-year-old Specialist assigned to Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, died in a GMV mishap 22 October 2022 in Fort Indiantown Gap (FTIG), Pennsylvania, at 1315 local. Four Soldiers in two M1120 Load Handling System (LHS) vehicles were traveling on the tank trail to pick up ammunition dunnage at a range. During the movement, the trailing LHS vehicle rear-ended the first vehicle. The first vehicle's flat rack entered and crushed the driver’s side of the second LHS vehicle’s cab. The driver of the second LHS was unresponsive and did not have a pulse when the other Soldiers in the convoy extracted her from the vehicle and performed immediate CPR. FTIG emergency services were notified of the accident and responded to the scene, where they pronounced the Soldier dead. The other three Soldiers were evacuated to Hershey Medical Center for precautionary reasons and evaluation.

Since FY18, the Army has lost an average of nine Soldiers a year to GMV mishaps. This mishap was the first GMV fatality of FY23 and the same number of fatalities for the same time period last year.



  • 7 November 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 164
  • Comments: 0