Risk Management Magazine

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Spending Army money on purely educational materials is a proper use of Army money.

Seeing Safety Clearly

There I was, upside down and grinding my way down the road. It was a cold, snowy day in northern New York and I had just learned a hard life lesson.

  • 12 January 2020
  • Comments: 0
License to Drive

I was on a team assigned to unload and reposition vehicles that had just arrived on the railcars. On this early January morning it was dark and a bit foggy.

  • 12 January 2020
  • Comments: 0
Remembering the Basics

Many aviation accidents or near misses result from a failure to practice procedures that have been taught since the very beginning of pilot training.

  • 1 January 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 507
  • Comments: 0
Following Through

Soldiers do a pretty good job of integrating risk management into their professional decision-making process. Rarely do you catch us blatantly disregarding written procedures.

  • 1 January 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 539
  • Comments: 0
Fishing for Trouble

Most of my near misses happen off-duty, when we tend to let our guard down. This story is a good example.

  • 1 January 2020
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 676
  • Comments: 0