Risk Management Magazine

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A Life Saved

When I first became a patrol deputy in 1998, my goal was to someday make a difference in someone’s life.

Alert and Aware

As a kid, I had two dreams. My first dream was to become a pilot and fly; my second was to own a motorcycle. After starting flight school at Fort Rucker, Alabama, I finally had the money to make that second dream come true and bought a Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Comments: 0
The Silent Killer

Hundreds of people die every year from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning. Most of us, however, are still unaware of the dangers of this potentially lethal gas.

  • 1 January 2015
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Mayhem on the Motorway

I had just gotten gas and pulled back onto Interstate 40 when I spotted a smoking mass of twisted metal ahead. I pulled my company truck to the side of the road, grabbed the fire extinguisher from the back and ran to the vehicle. I was the only person who stopped. Everyone else just kept driving past the scene.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 9350
  • Comments: 0
Watch the Road

As a longtime motorcycle enthusiast and fan of riding periodicals, I read about various strategies for avoiding accidents. Articles warn of traffic-related problems motorcyclists encounter all too frequently — drivers backing out of driveways, oncoming drivers turning left and drivers in the left lane suddenly turning right.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10312
  • Comments: 0
In the Can

Have you ever wondered how a Soldier feels after coming home from a deployment in a country like Iraq? After living in dangerous and demanding conditions for a year or more, some of us feel incredibly strong — almost invincible. That feeling of invincibility got me into a dangerous situation during the winter of 2007.

  • 1 January 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 11147
  • Comments: 0