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Ask any motorcyclist and they’ll tell you riding in the rain is not fun, especially if you’re not prepared for the reduced visibility and slick surfaces.
The Heat Center Initiative
As an emergency medicine physician at Fort Benning, I see firsthand the devastation these illnesses cause.
  • 24 March 2019
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It's Only Paint
My point is that a vehicle versus a pedestrian is not a fair fight. The Governors Highway Safety Association estimates there were 5,984 pedestrian fatalities in 2017, essentially unchanged from the 5,987 killed in 2016
  • 17 March 2019
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The New Drunk Driving
The Army is a broad representation of our nation and not immune to distracted driving. Data over the last several fiscal years indicates an increase in distracted driving mishaps among Soldiers with 27 confirmed cases.
  • 17 March 2019
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 3949
  • Comments: 0
Run Over by a Black Hawk
Common sense. Sometimes it isn’t as common as we’d like to think. Failure to follow established standing operating procedures — or to just review and update them regularly, especially after an accident — can result in avoidable tragedy.
  • 17 March 2019
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 1117
  • Comments: 0
Show Me the PPE
It was a crisp night in Qalat, Afghanistan, and my crew was in the midst of a 24-hour mission. Intel information indicated it would be a quiet evening. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.
  • 10 March 2019
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 822
  • Comments: 0