Risk Management Magazine

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The River Wild
My husband and I love the outdoors. Whenever we get a chance, we enjoy camping, boating, fishing and anything else that a will give us a break from Army life.
Shocking Safety Tips
Because faulty wiring and improper use of outlets can have devastating effects, it is important to follow proper safety steps at both work and home.
  • 20 May 2018
  • Comments: 0
Got Leaders?
If you don’t have a Motorcycle Mentorship Program supported by senior leaders, then maybe you don’t have one at all.
  • 20 May 2018
  • Comments: 0
Explosive Safety:  How the Army Ammunition Warrant  Officer Supports the Commander
The cardinal rule of explosive safety is to expose the minimum amount of personnel to the minimum amount of ammunition for the minimum amount of time required for mission accomplishment.
  • 13 May 2018
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1743
  • Comments: 0
Back on Track
It was mid-afternoon on a Thursday when I received a phone call from my best friend asking if I could help him move some furniture. Although I was tired from staff duty the night before, I told him I would be right over.
  • 13 May 2018
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1138
  • Comments: 0
Law of the Land
There are pros and cons to riding a motorcycle in a foreign country. First, though, riders must be familiar with the local laws of the host nation. There are several countries where there are no laws regarding the operation of a motorcycle, while others have written laws that are seldom enforced.
  • 6 May 2018
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1221
  • Comments: 0