Risk Management Magazine

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It is critical for aviation safety officers and instructor pilots to familiarize aircrews with mission-specific hazards and effective aircrew coordination during aircrew calls and safety days.

Attention to Detail

As a medevac pilot serving a tour in Iraq, I found myself flying into, around and through some very tight and scary situations. During one of my many flights, I had a “there-I-was” moment.

  • 6 March 2022
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Fluid and Adaptable

Aviators need to be willing and able to deviate from any plan when conditions change. My unit conducted a thorough after-action review to discuss the mission and what my pilot and I jokingly referred to as our “traumatic training event.”

  • 27 February 2022
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Rush to Failure

“Go-around! Go-around! Go-around!” Those were the words we wished we heard before our stabilator struck the ground. This mishap could have been prevented, and we’re lucky it didn’t cause severe damage to the aircraft or injuries to the crew.

  • 20 February 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 977
  • Comments: 0
The Risk of Routine

During one deployment, I was part of an aircrew that, upon landing, discovered an open and damaged engine nacelle. My first reaction was how the nacelle latch could fail in flight because I always check them during my walk-around. I asked myself, “I did check them this time, right?”

  • 6 February 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 537
  • Comments: 0
Luck -- Plain and Simple

While deployed to an Eastern European country as a chief warrant officer three, I was a maintenance test pilot assigned to a UH-60L air assault company. My unit was more than halfway through our deployment with no major aircraft mishaps. Well, at least none yet.

  • 30 January 2022
  • Author: USACRC Editor
  • Number of views: 263
  • Comments: 0