Risk Management Magazine

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If you see a Soldier who is failing to do the right thing, speak up and set them straight.
Night Moves
Training with NVDs is a critical component of any driver’s training program, but it’s particularly important before deployment.
  • 1 September 2017
  • Comments: 0
Written in Flames
I’m grateful this story was written in ink and not in flames. But how close did we come? I don’t want to know.
  • 27 August 2017
  • Comments: 0
We Finally Got It
Every Friday, our company commander would bring us together for his standard safety briefing. He gave the same boring speech week after week.
  • 27 August 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 861
  • Comments: 0
Leaning in on Accident Prevention
July 26 marked the 383rd day Fort Riley experienced no fatalities involving private motor vehicles. This milestone has been realized despite the 62 Class A PMV off-duty accidents the Army has experienced with 67 Soldier fatalities during the same period.
  • 27 August 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1205
  • Comments: 0
Reducing the Risks
Does it seem like there are a particularly high number of knee, ankle and foot problems in your unit right now?
  • 20 August 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1454
  • Comments: 0