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How many times were you about to step into a crosswalk but noticed the driver in an approaching vehicle seemed oblivious to you? How often did you hesitate and wait, choosing to not let their being oblivious send you into oblivion?
Scare in the Air
In aviation, there is always the potential for certain risks to occur. As professional pilots, we do everything in our power to mitigate those risks. Sometimes, however, unforeseen events can occur.
  • 26 February 2017
  • Comments: 0
Are You a Distracted Driver?
How many times have you answered your cellphone, ate or drank, read a book, adjusted your radio or put on makeup while driving?
  • 26 February 2017
  • Comments: 0
Leaky Reasoning
I was a private first class assigned to a maintenance company at the beginning of the first Gulf War. I worked in the motor pool ...
  • 26 February 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1049
  • Comments: 0
Know When to Call it a Day
Professional courtesy is an integral part of the military system. In the cockpit, however, excessive professional courtesy can be fatal.
  • 19 February 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1162
  • Comments: 0
Snooze Control
Looking back, there have been a few occasions where I nearly made it into the statistic column. There is one, however, that really stands out in my mind. It forever ended my perception that I was invincible.
  • 19 February 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 978
  • Comments: 0