Risk Management Magazine

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As a senior NCO, I had the opportunity to influence many Soldiers over the years. Sometimes, however, my junior Soldiers impressed me instead of the other way around.
Be Ready, Stay Ready
Many of us have been there: You take over a program that needs a lot of maintenance and you’re unsure where to begin.
  • 9 July 2017
  • Comments: 0
Wait and Acclimate
Dehydration, lack of acclimatization, blazing temperatures, high humidity and heavy workloads can rapidly lead to heat illnesses. Heat cramps or heat exhaustion, if undetected or left untreated, can rapidly lead to heat stroke, which can be fatal.
  • 9 July 2017
  • Comments: 0
Turn Around
The Soldier assumed he could easily drive through the crossing, but his vehicle was lifted off the pavement and pushed into the swollen river. The vehicle was submerged in 10 feet of rushing water, causing him to drown.
  • 9 July 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1316
  • Comments: 0
The 4-Foot Fall
Identifying fall hazards isn’t always easy because appearances can be deceiving, often affected by our own perceptions.
  • 1 July 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 3410
  • Comments: 0
The Final Ride
This experience kept me off of my motorcycle for several months. I often thought about my family and the difficulties it would cause them if I were to die in an accident.
  • 1 July 2017
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1080
  • Comments: 0