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I’d made the drive from Fort Campbell to Denver a half-dozen times in the past and had no concerns that I could do it again. After all, I was prepared. I had a new truck I’d just topped off with fuel and I knew my route well.

The Cold, Hard Facts

As a Soldier today, you are neither poorly trained nor poorly equipped, nor are you lacking caring leaders. So why bother writing about cold injuries? Unfortunately, it’s because they continue to happen, even though they are preventable.

  • 30 November 2015
  • Comments: 0
'Tis the Season (for Home Fires)

As the Christmas season approaches, many of us are decorating our homes, finalizing our wish lists and planning big meals. During this exciting time, however, we must not forget the holidays also bring an increased risk of home fires.

  • 30 November 2015
  • Comments: 0
Head Strong

I should be dead. The rate at which my head was accelerating when it struck the concrete barrier would have ended my life had it not been for my Kevlar.

  • 1 November 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10026
  • Comments: 0
Funnel Cloud

One of the last things you expect to encounter when on a landing approach is a funnel cloud. Yet, it happened to me in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in the winter of 2013 on an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission.

  • 1 November 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 10158
  • Comments: 0
Face First in the Snow

There was a huge thud and then everything went black. When I woke up, I was face down in the snow in a rapidly spreading pool of blood.

  • 1 November 2015
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 5831
  • Comments: 0