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Safety Milestones
Two Army organizations responsible for the safe storage and handling of stockpiled chemical weapons achieved one-year recordable injury rates of zero in June of this year.
Over My Head
I’ve had many different jobs in my lifetime, but one seems to be ingrained a little deeper in my mind than the others. Maybe it’s because it was almost my last.
  • 1 October 2013
  • Comments: 0
Never Ignore the Checklists
It had been relatively slow week. We were flying med-chase out of a remote outpost and had only received a couple of urgent calls and routine transfers — all during the daytime. On the forth night of our week-long stay, though, the call came.
  • 1 October 2013
  • Comments: 0
What’s Moderation?
I love to hang out and have a few drinks with my friends. The bonding that takes place during those fun times is priceless. Sometimes, though, the fun can go too far. When it does, not only can it ruin your night, it could cost you your life. 
  • 1 October 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 415
  • Comments: 0
The Nature of the Beast
How fun is it to be in your bed, injured, on your 21st birthday? That's what happened to the author when he had a dirt bike accident on June 22, 2010.
  • 1 October 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 7167
  • Comments: 0
  Flight Instruments Help ... When They Work
The weather in Regional Command South can change rapidly, so you need to be prepared to execute IIMC procedures. In our case, we made it in safely, but not without a major butt pucker factor for the last minute or two.  
  • 1 October 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 7317
  • Comments: 0