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Soldiers believe we are immune to “Murphy.” If the “I-won’t-get-hurt-because-I-won’t-allow-it-to-happen” mentality sounds familiar, keep reading. 
Sticker Shock
Most of us have probably perused a local flea market or street-side vendor, looking for a great deal. When searching for these values, however, one must remember to weigh the proposed savings against the potential risk. I found this out first hand. 
  • 1 March 2014
  • Comments: 0
Up the Creek
Although it’s been many years since I nearly killed myself and my best friend, I remember it like it was yesterday. I often reflect on that day, wondering how we ever made it across that flooded low water crossing while on our way to one of our favorite turkey hunting spots. 
  • 1 March 2014
  • Comments: 0
The Risks are Still Real
I recall that I was scared to death the first time I had to fly low level or punch into the clouds at 400 feet. That scared feeling is a natural reaction to a dangerous situation. While we may become desensitized to these situations, the risk is still very real.  
  • 1 March 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 3641
  • Comments: 0
The Great Outdoors
No matter what level of camping comfort you enjoy, there are always risks and hazards. A safe and enjoyable camping trip begins with proper planning. Always be prepared for the unexpected. For a safer camping experience, here are some suggestions.
  • 1 March 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 13317
  • Comments: 0
Crash Course
Driving down the rain-soaked street, I realized I was a risky situation because: 1) I was slightly lost; and 2) most Californians are pretty crappy drivers in bad weather. But there was third thing I didn’t realize — I, too, was a pretty crappy driver in bad weather.
  • 1 March 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 13502
  • Comments: 0