Risk Management Magazine

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Change of Season
One of the most beautiful times of the year to ride is during the fall as nature’s colors reach their full brilliance. However, despite the season’s beauty, fall can be an especially dangerous time for riders. 
Enforce Standards, Save Lives
During the team brief, our instructor pilot said he was going to conduct continuation training with a new crewmember during our mission. Near the end of the flight, crew coordination went out the window and almost cost everyone their lives.
  • 1 September 2013
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Stupid Hurts
When I first started riding, I felt motorcyclists who crashed were victims of something out of their control. With more experience, I realized that many riders did it to themselves. We must get smarter about riding on public roads.
  • 1 September 2013
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Recipe for Safety
The Soldier mentality isn’t one that usually sets a priority on safety. As one brigade found out, leadership and Soldier involvement with a little competition proved to be the recipe for changing Soldiers’ understanding and mindset of safety.
  • 1 September 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 8773
  • Comments: 0
Weather Surprise
Weather in any environment can be just as dangerous as the enemy we are fighting. Because it can be different than what is briefed by the controlling agency, sometimes, depending on situation, you have to revise or abort the mission.
  • 1 September 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 7320
  • Comments: 0
Be a Leader
Do you know someone who is complacent, acts carelessly or thinks they know it all? What did you do to correct this behavior? Oftentimes we do nothing because we don’t think it’s our problem. Wrong! It is your problem. 
  • 1 September 2013
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 7351
  • Comments: 0