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I’ve heard of sucker holes throughout my relatively short time in Army aviation and always wondered why someone would fall for it. But on one flight, I nearly ended up falling for one myself. 
Flying Blind
I’d never flown behind a CH-47, but I knew how much rotor wash they were capable of creating. Therefore, I was going to give them more than enough room since the LZ was so large. What I wasn’t ready for was the amount of dust that was kicked up.
  • 1 January 2014
  • Comments: 0
Asleep at the Wheel
As Soldiers, we know we may be deployed to dangerous situations. But we have to be diligent about not putting ourselves into dangerous situations while off duty too. Driving while sleep deprived can be as deadly as driving intoxicated.
  • 1 January 2014
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Don’t Put Off Till Tomorrow …
It was a very long and exhausting week in which I had been working about 16 hours a day. As we planned for flight after to make sure everything went smoothly for the mission and UAS operators, “it” happened.
  • 1 January 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 6295
  • Comments: 0
Wrestling with Safety
Thousands enter basic training each year. While most will graduate without any problems, others are injured or involved in incidents that result in the dreaded “hold over” status, which means they don’t earn the title of Soldier with their peers.  
  • 1 January 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 13040
  • Comments: 0
Winter Riding Tips
Preparing to ride a motorcycle during the winter can be as simple as throwing on an extra base layer of clothing or as difficult as negotiating ice on the roadway. Here are some tips to help keep you safe while riding during the winter season.
  • 1 January 2014
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 13391
  • Comments: 0