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Have you ever argued with your children about the importance of wearing seat belts? My personal battle began shortly after my youngest son outgrew his booster seat.

R U @ Risk?

Say the words “distracted driving” and most folks think of teens who text or gab excitedly with each other while navigating the streets. However, teens aren’t the only ones out there paying less than full attention to the road.

  • 18 April 2016
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The Scenic Route

I was driving along the Missouri-Arkansas state line from my home in Overland Park, Kansas, to visit relatives in Pea Ridge, Arkansas. This easy, 225-mile drive should have taken me about four hours. Instead, I arrived 24 hours late and $1,500 lighter in the wallet.

  • 4 April 2016
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Saved by the Belt

During good weather, it typically took me 30 minutes to cover the 18 miles from my home in Elizabethtown. However, it had snowed overnight, so I knew it was going to take me much longer than usual. What I didn’t know was it would take me 2½ hours to reach the hospital and, when I did, I’d be in the back of an ambulance.

  • 1 February 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1524
  • Comments: 0
What was He Thinking?

The last thing any leader wants to get is a late-night call on a weekend. Usually, the news isn’t going to be good.

  • 1 February 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1435
  • Comments: 0
Just my Luck

When I opened my eyes, I was staring at a spiral-shaped crack in my windshield roughly the size of my forehead, a large chunk of my hair dangling from the center.

  • 1 February 2016
  • Author: Army Safety
  • Number of views: 1211
  • Comments: 0